
Monday 1 April 2024

Some Garden photos


Lilian's Amaryllis 

The beautiful Flowering Cherry in our garden


Good Morning Ladies, 

With ot being the 1st of April I thought I'd share some of Mother Nature's Spring treats with you.  I am starting with a photo that Lilian shared of Roger's Amaryllis, how beautiful is the colour?! The flowers are enormous too!  Thank you so much for sharing it with us Lilian xxx

I hope that you all had a lovely Easter Sunday, do you all have a roast dinner?   It's one of the few times we will have lamb, I only like to buy British lamb,  but its so expensive,  the leg we bought was 2.4 kg, it would have been £35 but Morissons had a club card deal so it has half price, believe me Mr Yorkshire would not be ok with spending that much on a Sunday roast!!  The thing is with lamb is that a lot of that 2 4kg is the huge bone, it's a nightmare to carve, I wish I had the butchering skill to be able to take the bone out before roasting!   

We had a busy day in the garden yesterday,  We did some more painting of raised beds, Paul has the first ones in position now,  so they are ready to be filled,  we are going to do the 'no dig' method, so we will sit the raised beds on the ground, add some cardboard in the bottom which will kill off the grass and weeds (hopefully), we then will fill them with top soil and compost, we are both really excited to get started.   I took some before photos of different parts of the garden, hopefully the 'after 'photos will be an improvement! 🤣

I was mostly potting up and potting on, I ordered some beautiful Dahlias a few weeks ago, the actually came from Holland,  so they got put into big terracotta pots yesterday,  we (paul) had to mix sharp and grit into the compost to help it be more free draining,  apparently dahlia don't like to be in heavy wet soil.  After potting those up I moved on to potting on our Sweet Peas, Sweetcorn and Cosmos daisy, I needed to do Lupins and poppy but my body said no more!!  The medication I take has some pretty nasty side effects if not taken on time,  its because they are an opiate,  over the 15+ years I've been on them my body has become reliant on them (addicted I guess), however I don’t like to keep changing the time I take them,  the clock change can cause a bit of an issue, I had totally forgotten yesterday about the hour change and I couldn't understand why I was in so much excruciating pain, I literally had to lie down and take the weight off of my lower back and hips!  Then it dawned on me that pill time was 45 minutes ago, its surprising how fast it wears off.  Luckily it only takes about 20 minutes to take effect. I did end up taking paracetamol too.  But we had a lovely day doing something that we both enjoy, we were both getting excited about seeing everything growing.

Today is forecast rain most of the day though, so we probably won't get much done out side. We probably need a day of rest though. 

I was so excited to see all the different colours and shapes of the daffodils in our garden, we bought some bulbs that were half price late last autumn,  we weren't sure they would come up but they have, so I took some photos to share with you...

How incredible is this variety,  it has three tiny daffodil heads on one stem. 

This one is so beautiful it has about 6 layers of petals, mother nature is do amazing at times! 

Another beautiful variety it was hard to capture the intensity of that yellow centre.

Another triple head on one stem, I honestly didn't realise that there were so many variables. 

A few of our tulips, there are lots just waiting to burst open !! 

As I was tip-toeing through my tulips I discovered a little clump of violets, what a lovely surprise!  😍 

I'm sorry it wasn't a craft related blog today, I just didn't have the energy to make a card, I was also excited to share my gorgeous daffodils with you.

I hope you all have a lovely Holiday Monday,

Love and hugs to all of you,  

Sandra xxx


  1. The photo from both you and Lilian are beautiful I had no idea that there were that many varieties of daffodils
    I love to see flowers etc and admire the hard work you gardeners do but I hate gardening I run a mile if I find a worm or see a slug etc! OH is not keen either as he suffers so badly with hay fever
    We haven’t got anything planned for today I will do a little housework this morning Our social life seems to be in the evenings these days!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Beautiful pictures of Lilian’s Amaryllis and your flowers in the garden. Thank you for sharing them with us ☺️
    I’m glad you had another productive day in the garden. It will look lovely when everything is in flower.
    A relaxing day here for us, I could have quite easily stayed in bed longer as I’ve not been sleeping well. I’m hoping my shower and hair wash will wake me up a bit more!
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Wonderful photos of all those gorgeous flowers. I’ve never seen an Amaryllis in such a deep shade Lilian.
    Sandra your daffodils are beautiful, what a lovely range of shades and types. The cherry blossoms have been battered by the wind and rain haven’t they. There is one opposite us and it is usually so full but not for long this year sadly. I hope you have another good day in the garden my lovely.
    We are having a lazy day, nothing new for me at the moment. Take care. Love Sue xx

  4. Hello All, I was sure I wrote my comment yesterday, but must have forgotten to publish. The cards were all lovely.

    Sandra your cherry tree is fabulous, I’ve always wanted one, but because it’s so windy here, they don’t have much chance to flower.
    Your daffodils are also very pretty. They grow them down here so we are used to seeing fields of gold, although the weather has been so I expect they have not had a good year.

    Not done much today, so hope you all had a good Easter. Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Wonderful flowers, thank you for sharing them with us. Didn't know it was so many lovely daffodils and Lilian, your amaryllis is stunning.
    Went out this morning to a garden centre, they have,the works, in there so got myself some pastel colour cards.
    We looked at a leg of lamb for dinner today but I have never cooked one so instead we went for Lamb Kleftiko which was very nice and roast Potatoes. Did some crafting this afternoon, OH cut the grass but it's not too good, a lot of moss. Gardener coming in the morning 8am so early up
    Hope you all had a nice day and enjoyed whatever you got up to. Hugs Maria xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lillian love your Amaryllis the colour is so beautiful, I don’t think I’ve ever seen on that is such a deep red.
    Sandra the cherry tree is lovely, we have one in our road it’s just outside our house and has been so beautiful, unfortunately the wind and rain we have had recently has damaged the blooms, but I think we enjoyed it at its best. Thank you for the tour of your garden, you have so many lovely daffodils.
    Hope everyone has enjoyed the extra long weekend, have a good week. Love and hugs Brenda xxx
