
Friday 15 March 2024

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope today finds you all as well as can be expected,  special hugs to those of you in pain, especially our Brenda and Janet Maria and Lilian,  Sue I hope you have recovered from your migraine. xx

Yesterday was the one of 'those' days,  I was ok when I got up but felt a little low as the day went on, I struggled to keep my eyes open in the afternoon, I couldn't kick my head into gear, I think it's partially to do with the fact that I am really struggling to sleep again, I was taking magnesium every night but I ran out and kept forgetting for re-order, so I was a couple of weeks without them, I got some more last week and hopefully they will help, I can be literally nodding off on the sofa and when I first get into bed, trying to read to wind down and I keep dropping my book as I keep falling asleep, I will maybe sleep for about 45 minutes to an hour and then I wake up suddenly, my heart will be racing and it takes a good hour or more to calm down as I try different breathing techniques.  As soon as Paul's alarm goes off at 5am I am back awake and will stay awake for a couple of hours or so while my meds take hold so that I can get out of bed.  Fingers crossed these new magnesium tablets will make a difference.

Our Next Challenge

I asked in our Blog Chat group for ideas for this weeks challenge as I just couldn't get my mind in gear yesterday afternoon, Karen suggested a Card Sketch which is something we haven't done for a while so here we are.  Now I chose this design because it will work well with the card technique I am going to share with you on tomorrow's blog, that way if you want to have a go at that technique it will work well for the technique. 

These are some cards that were made for this particular challenge, I wanted to show you that you don't have to use the sketch exactly as it is, you can turn it round, move the elements about, its basically your interpretation of the sketch. 

I look forward to seeing what you all create.  

I hope that you all have a lovely Friday,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. I hope you start getting some better sleep soon
    I hope you like the sketch idea ladies This morning I will be delivering a couple of cards to a friend I made two versions for her to choose and she wants both!
    Having our hair done later Plus I’m waiting on a phone call from the hospital which should’ve materialised yesterday! If I haven’t heard by lunchtime I will be ringing them (again)
    I hope everyone who is unwell have a better day today Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A nice sketch Karen, thanks. We haven't done one for ages so that be nice.
    Sandra, hope you can get a better sleep pattern soon. Not nice when you keep waking up all hours and it takes so long to get back to sleep. Don't know what happened to me yesterday for I fell a sleep on the sofa around 9 pm and was in bed by 9.30🤭 must have been all the early mornings at mum and dad's 🤗
    It's a nice day today so hopefully we will all feel a bit better in our aching bodies when the sunshine is here.
    Had a messy fun day in the craft room today, some have gone in the bin but managed to get a card together for Sunday 😀
    Hope you all have a good day and Karen, that you got the phone call that you waited on. Sending many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week and I love that sketch. Thank you for suggesting it Karen 😊
    Sandra, I hope you start feeling better soon and your sleep pattern improves 🥰
    Karen, hope you got your phone call and everything is ok 🥰
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello , another wet day.

    Sorry to hear you are having trouble sleeping, hope you can back to a “normal” sleep pattern.
    Great sketch for next week Karen, hope you get your call back today. The good thing about working with a sketch is you have something to work with at the start.
    Hoping to start this weeks in the morning, have stamped out some flowers so I’ll use the them. Goodnight all Lilian
