
Wednesday 13 March 2024

Another Journal Page

Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

Another wet and miserable day here, our neighbours have a campsite towards the bottom of their land and he was saying yesterday that if there is anymore rain he will have to cancel his Easter bookings because the ground is so water logged, big campers and motor homes would just sink in the grass.  I guess it must affect a lot of similar businesses like that, I know the Wildlife park limits numbers in wet weather as they have a small tarmac car park but the bigger car parks are all on grass and so parking is a no no!   I hope one benefit we can get from all of this rain is no hosepipe bans in the summer! 

Today I am sharing my second double page journal spread with a Spring theme.  I don’t love the background as much on this one but I tried to make up for that with the lovely purple flowers etc.  The background is an Alcohol ink on Gel press background, using Purple Twilight and Limeade alcohol ink, I think I will use a different shade of green next time, the backgrounds were part of a Tracy Evans workshop.  I did like Tracy's idea of using the lid of a jar dipped in white acrylic paint to create a circular focal point without adding layers of dimension, so that the journal closes ok.  I stamped and coloured the flowers with Distress Oxide inks, Wilted Violet, shaded lilac and a mix of greens for foliage.  I quite like the result, although I will say that the 'grungy ' messy look ' takes some getting used to for me, I do prefer a more uniform neat & tidy look, I am getting used to the journal look though.  This one will grow on me, the previous one is still my favourite, I just adored that background 🥰😍

I hope that you all stay dry and warm today my lovelies, 

Love & gentle hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi everyone
    I absolutely love your journal pages. The background is fabulous and looks lovely with the beautiful flowers 😍
    Fingers crossed for some better weather soon, mind you looking at the forecast it’s not looking good into next week either!
    I had a lovely time with Mollie and Teddy yesterday. Teddy is such a cutie (I know I’m biased ☺️) he has the most wonderful smile and laugh and he brings so much joy 😍
    Maria, I have already had a little cry, and James hasn’t even moved out yet. I’m sure there will be more tears at the weekend 🥹 Have a safe journey home xx
    Brenda, I hope you’re feeling better soon and you can get something for your cough, take care xx
    Lilian, I hope your back is improving and you’re up to crafting again soon xx
    Sue, hope you’re feeling better soon too xx
    Karen, it sounds like you’re enjoying your retirement and are keeping busy xx
    Janet, I hope you’re keeping well xx
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. I love your journal pages too After blue I think lilac/purple are my next favourite colours
    You can’t beat trips to visit grandchildren can you If I could I’d want to visit mine everyday!
    Safe trip back MARIA
    BRENDA LILIAN and JANET I hope things are on the mend
    Sssshh! It’s stopped raining here Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi, Misty all day, still I think it’s chilly although they keep saying it’s warmer.

    WOW what a fabulous journal page, very effective with the flowers on top. Love the colours you have used also.

    Still no crafting from me, soon as I sit at my desk my back really plays up. Must be getting old.
    Sonia your little grandson is a real cutie, such a lovely smile.
    Let’s hope tomorrow’s weather is a bit better, night all Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Beautiful pages today. I love both crocuses and all shades of purple so it’s a real winner for me 🥰 xx
    We had a lovely lunch and afternoon with old friends today. I am hoping to craft with you tomorrow Sandra my lovely🤞
    Sonia, you will need lots of tissues at the weekend won’t you. Mixed feelings of both sadness and happiness with lots of pride at how your baby has grown up. No matter how old they are always your babies aren’t they 🥰 xx
    Sending hugs to all. Take care. Love Sue xx
