
Saturday 24 February 2024

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all having a nice relaxed weekend, I think ours will be more adventurous than relaxing with Harley dog in the house!  He's already tested us to the limit,  I just don't get it because he doesn't scavange because he is hungry, it wouldn't matter if you had just fed him.  Yesterday for example we always give the cats a bit of chopped up ham at lunchtime (a habit that started by paul giving milo a little treat while making his lunch, now they sit and wait from about 1pm Onwards) anyway we took the cats their ham upstairs ( they are banished upstairs for their safety as they do not get along with Harley,  they were our only pets until Harley arrived and chased the life out of them, they must have long memories as the hate is as strong as ever today).  So we gVe harley some ham too, so that he didn't feel excluded, so we were sat eating our lunch and Paul heard a rustling noise, he came into the office and he had had my bin out from under my desk, I had put an empty packet of salted pretzels in the bin on Wednesday and he must have been able to smell it because he emptied the whole bin out, die cut bits, inky low tack tape bits of damp kitchen roll from mopping up my watercolour mess and baby wipes were all across the floor, he was sat licking the inside if the pretzel bag!  It took ages picking all the bits up, that wasn't the worst incident but I will spare you those details!! 

Pigment Powder Comparison

I'm not entirely sure how I ended up with 4 different sets of Pigment Powders ( actually I have 3 other sorts but only a couple of colours in each).  The four types I have a good selection of are Brusho, Luscious (IndigoBlu), Honey Doo Pigment Powders and Pixie Powders. 

I will say that one big difference is that that Brusho don't have Mica in, they are pure pigment, the others say that they are highly pigmented too but we will let the comparison show us. 

I used the Powders in 2 different ways:  

1.  Sprinkling Powders onto watercolour card that has been spritzed with water.  (I used the same card and same number of 'spritzes' on each piece for fairness) 

2.  I mixed each if the powders with water to use as paint to colour flowers and a leaf.  Again all 4 were stamped on same paper and embossed the same.  

This is the powders sprinkled onto watercolour card that I had spritzed with water.





I tried to get the same amount of powders on each piece, I will say that Brusho & Pixie powders aren't as easy to control when it comes to sprinkling them.

After adding a little more water





These are all well spritzed and ready to dry.

The Dry Results 





The results show quite a difference,  the Brusho & Pixie Powders have much stronger pigment,  the Luscious hardly look any different to the dry powder, you get a little shimmer from them but the colour is very muted.  The Brusho is the most intense and I do love how the colours in Brusho move.  HoneyDoo was stronger than Luscious but the Pixie powders beat them having both the strong pigment and shimmer. 

Using the Powders to Paint




Pixie powders 

I found similar results with using them as paint to be honest. 

The Brusho's were lovely to paint with, the colour was intense, I did find that once you had laid the colour down it wasn't 'easy' to move it on watercolour card.  I was pleased with the result though.

The Luscious powders were stronger when used as paint, I liked the interference colours too, as you can see on one of the petals once the paint has dried it was hard to shift it with water.

The HoneyDoo pigment powders were nice to paint with, the strength of colour was good and the shimmer was lovely.  

The Pixie powders were lovely to paint with,  the colours were super strong, that orange colour was lovely.  The shimmer was incredible too. 

I tried to use colours that were similar or as close as I could get it with what I had. 

Well, what do you think? 

I think my favourite was Brusho,  followed by Pixie Powders then HoneyDoo and lastly Luscious,  I may need to research more into the Luscious techniques,  I wanted to use them all in exactly the same way.  I would use these more to create backgrounds than I would to use to colour anything, which is why I chose in the order that I did.  

I hope that you find the comparison helpful, especially if you are thinking of buying some, remember you could also add shimmer to the Brushos if that was the finish you were looking for.  So I find them more versatile, I believe you can buy other things to add to Brusho to make it more versatile too.


I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love & hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    I love the quote, so very true ☺️
    Naughty Harley 😉 I hope your weekend with him isn’t too stressful for you all and Milo and Bella.
    Thank you so much for the powder comparison. It really shows the difference between them all. I have to say I do like them all for their different effects. I have a couple of Pixie Powders and a few Cosmic Shimmer powders and don’t use them often, but your tutorial has inspired me to get them out and have a play. Thank you 😊
    I’ve not done much crafting this week, so after shopping and housework I’ll be hoping to put some of my previously made backgrounds to use.
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. The saying is so true My craft room is my happy place Sometimes just sitting at my desk makes me feel better
    Harley sounds just like our old dog - Buster!
    Your review on pigment powder s is amazing and very thorough Thank you I have Pixie Powders and hadn’t used them in years until you started showing your Brusho results this week I am pleased that you found PP results good I cannot justify buying other types
    This evening we are going to watch The Diana Ross Story at our local theatre I’m really looking forward to it and it will be very different for us not to traipse into London to see a show!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    I saw you making yesterday’s card and it is simply stunning, I love the shades of green and how the white embossing powder is so bright and clean The faux bleaching makes the flowers look even better.
    Today’s saying is so true. Once I am at my desk the time flies as I enjoy crafting so much, it really does help to make me feel better.
    Thank you for such an in depth review of the pigment powders. It is so interesting to see what a difference you get.i have some Brushos and just 1 pixie powder. I am getting better at being less heavy handed when using them, I still manage to get a muddy colour sometimes though 😏 I love the Brusho blue, a gorgeous shade. Thank you again my lovely xx
    I hope you don’t have too much trouble with Harley! Xx
    Brenda, it’s kind of you to help the medical students. No doubt they will learn a lot from you and your case. How else can they learn more if we don’t let them “practice” with us. I hope you have a good weekend xx
    Maria, sorry to hear you have a bad back. Maybe it’s all if the preparations going on in your craft room. I hope it feels better very soon xx
    Karen, enjoy the show tonight. I’m sure it will be interesting. I hope you have recovered from the boys visit 🤭🥰xx
    Sonia, I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with your backgrounds xx
    Lilian, I hope you as well as possible xx
    Janet, I hope everything is going ok xx
    I have to finish a challenge card then I have a CT scan this afternoon to check my chest etc. Have a good day. Take care. Love Sue xx

  4. Hello All, sunny but bitterly cold.
    Your demos of those powders is great, I must try and use my Brushos, had a go when I bought them but I either didn’t use enough or too much, mostly ended with mud.
    I use my luscious powders mostly because they have a binder in them so are easier to use.
    Will try and do better this week, have been searching Utube and Pinterest to get some ideas.
    Sandra hope the dog sitting goes well, and everyone has a good weekend. Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Very true saying, it is my happy thing when a parcel arrives or we shopping for some at a crafting fair 🥰
    Thank you for showing us the difference between powders. Interesting how different they are. I only have the pixie powders but not very good with mixing the colours.
    Oh that Harley ,he really is naughy isn't he. 🤭 Hope Milo and Bella be alright with him around.
    Sorry it's no card from me this week. I managed to sit at desk for a bit but only picked one thing and put it down again 😞 mojo is on a break.
    Sue, hoping that your CT scan was clear and you are better.
    Janet, hope you are alright.
    Karen, have a great evening.
    Lilian, hope you doing ok. Have you got any help for your restless legs ?
    Hope you all had a nice day and maybe got out in the sunshine for a bit.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xx
