
Monday 26 February 2024

A pretty Emboss Resist Background card


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all relaxed and ready to start another week, apart from our Janet having her birthday this week do any of you have any fun plans?

Yesterday flew by, Paul was up and out with Harley really early, we had a nice relaxed breakfast and we were getting ready to have a day in the garden, Paul had filled a load of seed trays ready for me to sit and sow seeds in to.  We didn't have the sunshine that we had yesterday, it was overcast and gloomy all day, with light rain on and off, so being outside wasn't as much of a pleasure as I hoped, Harley enjoyed it though, he explored every inch of that garden.

Today I am sharing a card that started as a 'happy accident' on Thursday afternoon, I was playing with a technique that had you create an emboss resist on shiny or coated card (like photo paper) you then added alcohol inks and then you put a piece of paper over the background and ironed over it, this lifted the embossing, (the alcohol inks cover the white embossing) as you lift the embossing with the iron it would reveal the clear white underneath the embossing) it is quite effective but I didn't love the results.  
Anyway I had another piece of embossed glossy card left so I decided to add some Distress Oxide over it,  I had forgotten that they would not set on the glossy background, I added Picked Raspberry, Mustard Seed & Ripe Persimmon (all strong colours) and blended them together, I could tell it was sitting on the surface of the glossy card so I decided to just wipe over it with a piece of kitchen towel,  OMG I was totally surprised at how pretty the card turned out, those bold colours had left the most delicate, pastel shades on the card and of course the emboss resist wiped clean, so I had the lovely white french script on that lovely pastel background.  

You can see where I had added the inks initially as they left a stain in the card, I did blend out to a point though, it looked ok, you also have the added extra of that lovely glossy shine in the background.          I wanted to show as much of that lovely background as possible so I looked on Pinterest for simple designs with script background, so I simply added a die cut vellum butterfly and then placed a sentiment over the butterfly and popped a few sequins that coordinated with colours around the card.   So it does pay to just have a play and see what you get! 

I hope that you all have a great start to the week,

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,



  1. This is a gorgeous technique I don’t have any alcohol inks but might have a go with just DO
    I am off to the hospital later to se diabetic nurse for a new insulin pump (this one is out of warranty) I’m quite excited because I hope it will be an upgrade and not a like for like replacement The upgrade should help with carbohydrate counting, send info to my phone and less finger pricking (yay!) We’ll see!
    Take care everyone and Happy Birthday Janet xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Absolutely love your card, the background is beautiful 😍
    Great minds think alike, I was playing with photo paper too and really pleased with the results ☺️
    We had a lovely few hours in Dorset yesterday. Teddy is constantly on the move, but we had some lovely cuddles 🥰
    Karen, I hope your appointment with the diabetic nurse goes well. Fingers crossed for a new upgraded pump.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Morning everyone.
    I really love today's card Sandra
    I shall be celebrating my birthday this week by having the nurses coming visiting me to take
    more blood and hopefully after this they can decide what is causing my swollen feet and legs. My mobility is really suffering because of this problem.
    Anyway I hope you all have a good and whatever you have planned
    Hugs on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  4. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card Sandra. You would think that the oxide would just go away on such a card but it has turned out beautiful. One more thing to try .
    Karen, hope everything went alright at the diabetic nurse and you got the upgraded pump.
    Sonia, is Teddy trying to walk yet ? He change so quickly and growing up fast.
    Janet, it's lovely to see you in. Have the doctors checked your medications ? I had to come off the Amlodepine because of swelling in my legs. My ankles was completely gone which was not right. Hope you be alright, take care.
    Lilian, hope your back is better and you soon get better weather.
    Brenda, wishing you better soon bless you.
    Morning here was sunny but boy are the winds cold. Had a good morning in town and having a hair cut always makes me feel a little better. Sending many hugs to you all, take care . Maria xx

  5. Hello All, a dry day at last, managed to get my washing dry outside. Very cold wind though so temperature dropped a lot.
    Sandra love today’s card, I must give it a go.
    Another call from the Drs today, another change of tablets, Day Lewis still haven’t delivered the last one they changed, let’s hope some of these new ones work.
    Have a good evening all, Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Beautiful challenge cards yesterday. Karens idea of using blank scratch art card is genius. I will have to try and find a couple of sheets that I have somewhere safe!
    I love how you left the background on today’s card to do the talking, using vellum with the sentiment leaves a softer finish doesn’t it. I loved seeing you try this technique and I hope to try it too soon. Glad you managed to get some gardening done yesterday xx
    I’ve had a lazy day, very tired so I’m having an early night. I hope you all get some decent sleep. Take care. Love Sue xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone
    Love your card Sandra the background is lovely and perfect backdrop for your vellum butterfly.
    Janet lovely to see you xx
    Hope you survived the weekend looking after Harley. I imagine he needs lots of space.
    Whale a good week everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx
