
Friday 5 January 2024

Our First Challenge of 2024


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

We arrived at our hotel yesterday afternoon to find it very much under renovation,  so no restaurant for breakfast which is a little frustrating, no mention of it on the website and no difference in price.  But we are going to make the most of it. 

Today we will be spending 5 1/2 hours in the theatre as we are seeing the Harry Potter & The Cursed Child which is in 2 parts 1st performance 2 to 5pm and the 2nd at 7pm.  So I think that comfy clothes are the order of day.  

Our First Challenge of 2024

Ladies get digging through your stash lets find out our old Dies, stamps & Embossing folders and have a play, it's definitely something that we ALL have! 🤣😂
I have shared some of everyone's old cards, from 2016, 2017.  None of those cards look dated at all. 
I hope that you all enjoy the challenge.

Have a fantastic Friday my lovelies,

Love and hugs 



  1. What a shame about the hotel Most of the time I rely on the hotel having a restaurant especially at breakfast times because that’s when my blood sugars dive and need to eat relatively quickly Enjoy the play(s) We go to the Wetherspoons close by purely because OH is a lousy eater and not very adventurous and there’s always a queue outside the theatre or tourists taking photos
    This challenge will be easy for me because I consider most of my craft stuff as old! I suppose in a way what is the definition of “old” I have stuff that bought over 12 months ago and never used (yet!) which are new to me and stuff that is over 12 months old that I use on a regular basis!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love all of the cards on display. I must admit when I saw them all, I was wondering what the challenge would be - but it’s first great challenge for 2024 ☺️
    Shame about the hotel, but I hope you have a lovely time and enjoy today’s shows.
    Hope everyone is having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello everyone

  4. Hello everyone,
    So many lovely cards on today’s blog I even recognise some of the cards I have made and have forgotten about.
    I hope you are enjoying your shows you have booked, what a shame the hotel was not what you were expecting, you would have thought that they would be able to rustle up even a continental breakfast and serve it in the lounge. I hope you bring it to the management notice that breakfast was included in the cost of staying there.
    Sending hugs to everyone, take care , Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Next one hasn't loaded yet so just popping in to say good morning and think this is a good start to our challenges. Like Sonia, I did wonder what you it could be seeing all the old cards.
    Have a great time in London. Shame of the hotel not mentioning the work they are doing so no breakfast. Hope you are warm going outdoors, it's going to be cold this week.
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to you all, Maria xx
