
Tuesday 23 January 2024

Challenge card No.2


Good Morning my lovelies, 

Last night was much calmer thank goodness,  we were battered with wind and rain all night, I fully expected to see devastation when I looked out this morning but other than the trees looking a bit the worse for wear it wasn't too bad, there were a few huge trees down between us and Cheltenham, I think its so sad to see these trees that are so old broken and laying across the road.  

The wheelchair assessment was a bit of a waste of time,  it seems ridiculous to have to take a step backwards because the county we are in have different budget to the Oxfordshire NHS where the wheelchair was issued after assessment!  But we will just have to manage I guess!  Never mind ! 🤷‍♀️

I had a job relaxing enough to make a card when wr got back yesterday as I find trawling back through my nightmare medical history very harrowing,  so many mistakes and bad decisions were made by people that are paid a huge amount of money to do their job.  Had said people showed an ounce of care, compassion and more importantly competence, I wouldn't need a bloody wheelchair! 

Today's card was made using a new Stamp & Die set called 'Gorgeously Made', the background paper is from the same suite.  I watched a tutorial about building 'Focal Point Clusters'  this card was one of the examples.  The lady was called Robin, her formula is  'Base Shape x1 Secondary Shape x1 Greenery x 2-3,  Accent x odd number, Embellishments x 3

So for this card the base was the tag, the secondary shape was the sentiment tag, greenery was the foliage,  Accent is ribbon under tag and twine at top, Embellishments are the sparkle gems.  

So I think it works,  I am trying something different today to test it out again.  If you want me to explain it more I am more than happy to.

Sending you all my love,

Sandra xxx


  1. Love the card and that formula sounds like the perfect recipe
    It is such a shame about the wheelchair and what is particularly annoying is that they can’t supply one of equivalent “value” or better or give you the funds and put it towards a more Rolls Royce version
    I have a couple of appointments today including a diabetes review
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    This is a nice card Sandra and I like the layout. Maybe something we can do at some time. So sorry to hear about the wheelchair trip and it didn't work out. You shouldn't have to pay out of your own pocket to get a new one and you def. should get one that not suitable for your needs. Hopefully you get it sorted soon.
    Karen, hope it goes alright with the diabetes review.
    Ladies, wrap up if going out. It's raining here and it feels so raw so I'm under a blanket on the sofa with hot drinks all the time. Had a quick shop at Lidl but not going anywhere else today. Having someone to have a look in our loft this afternoon. Going to measure up for storage in my room today so feeling excited and then put in a order for some to start me off with.
    Have a good day. Many hugs to you all and extras for you who are not 100%. xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    I love your card, it’s beautiful 😍
    Sorry to hear that yesterday was a waste of time 🙁 It really is so unfair. Hopefully something suitable will be sorted out for you.
    A miserable, wet and windy day here! I’d rather it was back to being cold and frosty.
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello , wet and very windy here today.
    Very pretty card today love the colours.
    Very sorry to hear about the replacement for your wheel chair, I don’t know why they think it’s ok for you to have a totally unfit for purpose wheel chair.
    Had to have another set of blood tests this morning, R had one as well so it worked out just one trip.
    Not very enthusiastic about crafting at the moment.
    Goodnight all. Lilian

  5. H Sandra and all looking in. A beautiful card and I love the idea of using a formula. Looking forward to seeing another example tomorrow. I think it is disgusting that you are expected to have a wheelchair that you won’t be able to use just because you live in a different health authority area. Having helped Chris make and fit signs for the NHS for over 30 years I know full well where some of the money used to go to waste and I don’t imagine it is any different now! I hope you are able to find a solution my lovely xx
    I had a quiet day until all of the girls came round after school for a few hours. Phoebe has a broken collarbone. She was putting a rug on a friends horse when he decided to lean on her pushing her into the stable wall when she heard a loud snap! The next 6 weeks is going drag especially as she won’t be able to ride at all poor maid. I’m off to bed. I hope the winds don’t cause any problems to anyone. Take care. Love Sue xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Don’t know where the time has gone today, been keeping busy and just realised that I haven’t left a message.
    Sorry to hear that you have had such a problem with your wheelchair. I hope your problem's will be resolved soon, and you can get anew replacement 🤞
    Lovely card today, love everything about it.
    Sleep well, love Brenda xxx
