
Tuesday 2 January 2024

A simple 'Thinking of you,' card


Good Morning Ladies (Tuesday I think),

Everything is back to normal today, Paul is back in the office, that holiday period just flew!   I am looking forward to getting back to my craft desk, are you ready for a Challenge yet or would you rather wait until next week?   

We have a fun packed first week of January,  I have a very special guest coming to visit tomorrow...Sonia is coming over, I am so looking to seeing her, it feels like forever since we saw each other.  Then on Thursday we leave for London for 3 days, we are seeing both parts of the Harry Potter 'Cursed Child' play on Friday, then on Saturday we are seeing Peter Kay at the 02.  I am really looking forward to having some time to ourselves.  

Todays card is one I made on sunday during my little crafting session.  I used another new stamp set that I bought about 6 weeks ago but hadn't had chance to play with.   

I used a circle mask and blended Balmy Blue and Crumb cake ink to create the sea/sky sand effect, then stamped the reeds on the bottom of the circle making sure that it goes out of the circle too, I added the sentiment and some birds flying off into distance.  A simple card but I really like how it turned out.

I hope that you all have a great day,

Love & hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi everyone
    I love your card - simple but stunning 😍
    I am so looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and having a good catch up 🥰
    I’ve got an early start this morning as off to pick James up from Dorset. I’m looking forward to Teddy cuddles too 😍 I can’t believe that yesterday he was 7 months old - where’s that time gone?
    Hope you’re all ok, I’m thinking of you all and sending extra hugs to all who aren’t feeling well xx
    Love Sonia xx

  2. I love your card Enjoy your visit together Sonia and Sandra Enjoy the cuddles with Teddie Time seems to disappear so quickly these days
    Sitting in a cafe near to John Lewis risking drinking a coffee! I needed to take some tablets I think John Lewis prices are too much Ready for knit and natter at JL
    Out dancing tonight
    Enjoy your trip to London If we hadn’t got replacement buses on the Saturday I could have come in and had a coffee with you!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hello All, another storm is battering us again. Dry at the moment, but the garden is saturated. Glad we live on a hill.

    Sandra love your card and that new stamp set is really very useful.
    Seems the first card I make is a bereavement card, another of our friends has just lost her husband.

    Sonia enjoy your visit to see Sandra, I would love to be able to do that, I’m sure you will have fun.

    Hope you enjoy your visit to London, sounds great.
    Have a good day everyone, Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card Sandra, lovely sea scene.
    Have a fabulous time in London. Hopefully the weather is getting better for you. It meant to get colder but drier then it is today, here it is storming outside and it hasn't stopped raining all day.
    Have a fun day with Sonia too. Enjoy seeing the little one, yes those 7 months has gone quick.
    Sending hugs to you all and some extra once for our friends who are not well. Take care Maria xxx

  5. Love your card today, it looks so fresh and clean. Great inspiration, thank you xxx

  6. I was testing with my comment above, that’s why it is short. Not sure why but I wasn’t able to leave a comment yesterday, have fiddled with blogger and today it worked. Hooray xx
    Have a lovely day tomorrow crafting with Sonia, I’m sure the time will pass very quickly, it’s always good to craft with a friend, you can bounce ideas off one another. Wish we could all join you xx
    Enjoy your trip to London, it will be lovely just being able to spend time together and a bonus you were able to get theatre tickets.
    Take care everyone and have a good evening, Love Brenda xxx
