
Tuesday 30 January 2024

A quick & simple card using patterned paper


Good Morning Ladies, 

Well yesterday turned out to be a day of too much procrastinating!  I spent the whole afternoon looking on YouTube, I wanted to create a Tracy Evans 'Snippet ' after being inspired by Karen on Sunday, I am ashamed to say that I have quite a few Aall&Create stamps designed by Tracy that I bought intending to make a specific card and never gotten around to making it.  So when I saw Karen's Snippet I thought 'brilliant ' I have plenty of inused stamps to play with!!! 

However after looking at many different Snippet videos that I didn’t quite have the right 'ingredients' for I got disheartened and gave up!  I'm sure we all have days like this though.

So onto today's card, when I closed my laptop at about 5.20pm I thought, I will just share an old card, but it didn't sit right with me, so I decided to use some brand new SU patterned paper and make a quick and simple card.

I used the new Flight & Airy paper (which is freebie if you spend £45), I made a top folding card base, added a layer of white card embossed with my new favourite embossing folder and then matted a piece of the patterned paper onto coordinated card and added it to my card, before adhering I added a piece of linen thread finished with a bow and added the simple sentiment on top. 

Hopefully today will be more productive!

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxx 


  1. This is still a lovely card
    I know what you mean about scanning Tracy’s Snippets I keep trying and wondering if I could substitute a different stamp etc It was quite by chance I found one
    I have been crafting this morning and so I will be crocheting this afternoon after a nap
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone,
    Lovely card, very pretty papers.
    Hope all your work in the green house and around the house will take and we get to see some wonderful photos later on of all your flowers and vegs.
    Have not done too much, finished a little crystal card and have been thinking of a cc to do but still living with messy boxes so we'll see. Like Sue my joints and other bits are not good, need some sunny days soon to feel better.
    Have a good day everyone and look after yourselves. Many hugs , Maria xx

  3. Hello All, lovely sunny day here, but very cold. Hoping the washing will be dry.
    A very pretty card, love that paper.
    I’ve trying to use up some of my washi tape, of which I have loads. Not sure how to finish it, or what sentiment to use.
    I always think washi tape looks good on the roll, never quite sure what to do with.

    Hope you all have a good afternoon, Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your pretty card today 😍
    I often have times like that when crafting! It’s so frustrating isn’t it 🙁 I’m off work for 2 days now, so fingers crossed I’ll manage to get some crafting done.
    Karen, hope you had a great time yesterday at CountryView Crafts. Will look forward to seeing what you bought ☺️
    Have a good rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. What a pretty card, the paper is gorgeous. We all have days like yesterday but I hope you have had a better day today my lovely xx
    Lilian, I have the same problem as you with what to actually do with washi tape once you get it home 😏 xx
    Maria, sorry you are having a bad time with your joints too, blooming weather does not help!!! xx
    Managed to get Penny from school and a short trip around the shop with her and Chris….. isn’t my life exciting 🤭😁
    Have a good evening everyone.
    Take care. Love Sue xx

  6. Hello, Sandra and everyone,
    What a beautiful card. The colours are so delicate. Hope your day got better after all the frustration you had trying to go through Tracey’s Snippets. We all have days like that when what ever we try it just goes app. But yours ended with this lovely card so your time wasn’t wasted.
    Sue I’m sure Penny enjoyed you and Chris picking her up from school and the trip around the shops was a bonus for her.
    Maria sorry you are in such pain with your aching joints, it must be so frustrating for you and restricts what you are able to do. Rest as much as you can and take care. xx
    Good night everyone, sleep well, love Brenda xxx
