
Thursday 14 December 2023

Some Lovely Throwback embossed cards


Good Morning Ladies, 

I feel so downhearted today, from a girl that doesn't get out much our meet ups are something so incredibly special to me. I have felt unwell since Monday,  it came on quite suddenly in the car on the way home from our shopping trip, my throat was getting more sore by the hour and I couldn't get warm, I tested when I went to bed and it was negative,  so i thought that it was my body reacting to the weekend.  All i thought was rest up Tuesday & Wednesday ready for our meet up,  sadly as the day progressed Tuesday I felt worse,  so ended up going to bed, I had a horrendous night with fever, sweats and the worst tinnitus I have ever had, my racing heart thudding in my head made my tinnitus sound like a siren!  So I tested again yesterday morning and it came up positive straight away, I think I knew before i even did the test!!  

I will be thinking of you Karen & Maria, have a lovely catch up xxx

I have shared a card from all of you today,  it took my nearly all day,  your embossed cards are amazing XXX 

Sending my love and hugs (from a safe distance)



  1. Morning Everyone
    OH SANDRA I am so sorry you have once again been struck down with the horrible covid. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

    Well everything went well in France yesterday.The final papers were signed and we will not see Marigny again.
    I have to say it was a very emotional day here but time moves on.

    Iam sorry my dear Friends but I haven't been able to make any cards this year but I will be supporting the Charity I do.
    I shall be back in the new year.

    I wish allof you the happiest of Christmas and a peaceful/healthy 2024.
    Take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. Lovely to see our older cards on display today
    I am now on the bus to Watford on my way to meet Maria It is such a shame that you Sue Sonia and Brenda cannot make it this time
    Hopefully next year when the warmer weather starts appearing we’ll be able to meet up I look forward to seeing you so much
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hello, sunshine and showers here. Still very cold.
    R in Bristol today for a meeting , left home at 6-30 this morning, so it’s been another long day. Just finished doing one of the jobs I hate: cleaner out the fridge.

    Lovely to see all of our previous cards.
    Sandra hope you are getting pleanty of rest, and feeling a bit better.
    Hope Karen and Maria ar having a lovely chin wag.
    Have a lovely evening everyone, Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. It’s good to see lots of old cards. It shows how versatile embossing folders are with so many different looks. I hope you will quickly improve my lovely. I’m a bit like you in that I don’t get out that much making our meet ups even more important. Have been thinking of Karen and Maria today. No doubt you have had a great time putting the world to rights and talking about all things crafty 😘😘
    Brenda, sending you gentle hugs. Not a good time for you at all and a broken nights sleep doesn’t help. You can’t help but think and feel for everyone involved when you see a crash can you xx
    Janet, thinking of you and Jim. I’m glad everything went well but sad that such a special part of your life has ended. You will always have all of the wonderful memories to look back on and enjoy in times to come xx
    I’m having another very quiet day. Joints aren’t being very nice and I have a massive bruise all over the top of one of my feet which is very painful. Haven’t got a clue what I did to it 🤔
    Take care everyone. Love Sue xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Fabulous to see our old embossed cards again. Tried to guess who who's but not sure. 😊
    Sending you hugs Janet. Probably won't help but feeling for you not to see marigny again. You both take care.
    Had a lovely time with our Karen today and we missed you Sandra, Sue and Brenda but let's make a date again for early next year.
    Hope you all had a good day and managed to get things done that you wanted done. Have a nice evening everyone. Many warm hugs to you all,Maria xx
