
Saturday 2 December 2023

Our Trip to Black Country Living Museum


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I feel this saying is very true, I know for some having time to sit and craft is hard, particularly if you work long hours etc.  I feel personally that it is a form of therapy though,  yes it can be frustrating when things don't end up like the image we had in our mind but at the end of the craft session we have acheived something, that something will hopefully bring a smile to a loved ones face, or even better if someone has asked you to create something for them to gift you have their joy at seeing that lovely personalised card you have made and that of the recipient.  I have felt that joy and in my situation that isn't something that happens often.   So enjoy your crafty time Ladies,  even if its just an hour, it will give you a sense of achievement at the very least. 

Now I want to share some of the photos that we took last weekend at the Black Country Living Museum.  

Cast Iron Houses

  • The 1940 house provides visitors a glimpse of everyday life in wartime Dudley. At the point at which the house will be set, bombing attacks will have reached as far inland as the Black Country.

  • Visitors will meet new costumed characters, including the Museum’s interpretation of Beatrice Vernon, who moved with her husband, Sgt Sidney Vernon, to Dudley in 1920

This was the lounge of the 1940's house, we met Beatrice,  her husband was a policeman,  she was making Christmas decorations from things that they had, it was so interesting to see the ration allowance.  You could make a party hat alongside her or paperchain Christmas decorations.

Look at that adorable Christmas tree! Simply decorated with handmade decorations.

The kitchen was fascinating, a lot of familiar brands, the tins only had tiny labels due to paper shortage.  My Nan had the exact same clothes airer.

Familiar sights in the bathroom too, Izal loo paper we had at school in the 70's !  I believe that those old style toilet cisterns flushed 10 times better than todays style!  

I had never heard of the rationing of bath water, was it 6 inches? it must have been bloody cold in winter. 

The upstairs,  I didn't get to see this, the stairs were way too steep, I love all of the handmade bed coverings. 

Next Door 1960's House

The bathroom was very different,  toilet & bath mats, no ration on water, the products are more familiar too, Pears soap, Senokot for the digestion, liquid parafin and 'Old English Lavender'.  

This was a real 'blast from the past' I remember having to watch the football results show on Saturday night.

The kitchen took my straight back to my Nana's, the cooker was very similar,  as were the kitchen utensils.  Look at the Quality Street tin,  the Christmas cake looks exactly like the one my Mum and both Nana's made. 

We had this very shelf unit in our lounge, we had one of the birds that tipped forward and put its beak into a fake glass, I think it was a holiday souvenir

My mum had a dressing table like this for years, what a different 2o years makes,  record players in the bedroom, telephone, we had one just like it.  I remember getting a record player for my 10th Birthday, you could stack records up, my first ever record was the Boomtown Rats, I Don't like Mondays, I have no idea why I liked it back then. 

I will share more next week or this blog will go on forever!  I hope that it stirs some fond memories for all of you. 

Have a lovely Saturday Ladies, 

Love & hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                     xxxxxx


  1. Crafting is definitely my therapy I try and do something every day even if it’s only a bit of crochet
    I love your photos from the museum It’s brought back some memories We had a clothes horse just like that and I still use that style today Our first telephone was in 1968 I think it was that colour or was it grey? I know it was a “party” line - we shared it with a neighbour! And that 60’s mirror! We had one exactly like it Hopefully we’ll go next year at some point
    I need to shorten a pair of trousers today So that’ll be my crafting for today
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love the quote - I’ve been thinking about getting some bits out and having a play over the last few days. Yesterday I tested positive for Covid, so this weekend might be the right time. Seeing the embossing folder challenge yesterday had me straight on Pinterest looking for ideas ☺️
    Your day at the museum looks wonderful. I remember some of those items from my Nan’s house - especially the ‘tracing paper’ toilet roll! Horrendous stuff 😂 🤣
    I hope you all have a good weekend, stay warm 🥰
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Crafting has given me something to do when I retired. I did some cross stitch work before that but since card making that has been laid to the side. I also have found a lot of friends. Thank you Sandra for this wonderful blog !!
    Love all the photos from your museum trip. Many memories to see the horse drier, the kitchen like my Nan's used to look, the telephone ( we had a black one ) the shelves etc. Love to go there one day. This made me think about MK museum that I don't think we ever been to so this morning we had an outing there. Sadly didn't take any photos but we will go back because the ticket is valued for a year. The era was more Victorian and so many wonderful things to see. A nice cafe' was there too with some lovely homemade cakes :>)
    I hope you all have a good day ( sorry Sonia to hear you got covid, wish you are not too bad with it. Get better soon) Take care and if going out as it is freezing outside, do wrap up. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx
