
Saturday 16 December 2023

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

Total upheaval in our house this weekend as we are looking after Harley until Sunday as Matt & Alex have gone to London for a couple of days, we got them tickets to see Peter Kay, Matt bought tickets for us too, we go on 6th January, we bought tickets when tour was announced back in November 22, it seemed like it would take forever to come around but it hasn't!   

So we have to keep pantry door locked, he already sussed that if he puts his nose at front of bin the sensor opens it, so we've had to put tape over that, within about 40 minutes of him being here he had scaled the kitchen worktop and managed to catch the handle of the bread board that was on top of the toaster 'out of reach ' (or so we thought), luckily I heard the commotion while Paul was on phone and managed to get to him as he had just ripped the end open and taken a bite, so i managed to salvage the part that was still packaged!! Paul was not impressed at the thought of not getting his Tiger Bread Bacon sandwich!!  I think we will be mental wrecks by Sunday Morning! 

A few more Photos of our trip to 

Black Country Living Museum 

We went to a Mothering Class at the Clinic,  it is a new feature at the Museum, it was both entertaining and informative,  my how things have changed, we had a trip down memory lane as we had a go at folding terry Nappies,  we used terry nappies for Matt for a few months, he was so tiny though, the nappies were huge on him, back then you laid your baby on its side with a rolled up blanket behind (this changed with every baby i had) but for matt with his big nappy on his leg used to stick up almost to top of his carry cot!! 🤣 As soon as disposable nappies became more reasonably priced we swapped.  My terry nappies are still as soft as the day I bought them, they are the best cleaning clothes 30 years on!   
How gorgeous where those prams, I had one just like it when I was a baby,  the midwife talked about buying your baby a 'Layette'  thats a term that has gotten lost over the years too.  I think people go crazy these days and buy way too much!   
We had these amazing little nightgowns for Matt in the softest brushed cotton, they had a drawstring at the bottom which made nappy changing so much easier, no undoing poppers and bending their legs in and out.  That and a little hand knitted cardigan with matching hat was all you needed.  
I don't think we had the bottled orange juice when I had Matt, we had Rosehip Syrup and Gripe Water though.  I remember our little midwife telling me to dissolve brown sugar in water and dilute it to help baby with constipation,  during the transition from Breast to Bottle.  I hadn’t realised that Farleys Rusks had been around so long!  Although I do remember my Dad having to make the hole in the teat of my sisters bottle bigger because the dissolved rusks in her milk to try and fill her up !!! You'd be accused of abuse if you did that these days.  

Did that trip down Memory Lane bring back any memories for you?  

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    Sorry I’ve not commented the last few days, but I love all of the cards on display 😍
    Good luck with Harley, sounds like you and Paul will need a couple of days rest afterwards 😬☺️
    Lovely pictures from the museum, it looks a fantastic place to visit.
    Have a good weekend everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. The saying is so true
    I hope Harley calms down for you
    So so many memories from your photos
    My pram was second hand (new mattress) and was a coach built one My son was allergic to disposable nappies So I had to use Terry ones - do you remember the disgusting bucket we soaked them in before washing them!
    I can remember buying Marmite at clinic for my son but after daughter was born it was banned for under 5’s (in my area)
    I love Farley’s rusks as a biscuit! Do they still exist? My two had those brushed cotton nighties too! Do you remember those denim look dungarees from Mothercare? They were all the rage at some point
    OH is off to Chelsea later So the tele is mine all mine So a cuppa, knitting and remote are all lined up and ready to go!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. A lovely look back at yesterday’s card. There are so many things to enjoy when looking at it.
    Today’s saying is a great one 😊 I’m so glad that you are starting to feel a little better. I would say make sure you get plenty of rest but rest and Harley don’t go together do they! I hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble. I love seeing the baby clinic photos. They make me even more determined to visit very soon. I loved Farley’s rusks and Mum bought me some when I had a very bad bout of chicken pox at the age of 9 as my mouth and throat had so many spots that I really struggled to drink never mind eat so Farleys rusks well diluted we’re all I could manage for several days. I got some for RJ but they caused him to get eczema in various parts of his body so, they didn’t taste as good as I remembered though. He also could only wear Pampers disposable nappies as any other make caused him to look like he was wearing bright red pants. He has still got very sensitive skin even now. I remember our big pram and I had a child sized one passed done from cousins for my dolls which was big enough for the full size sun shade to fit. It is still sat in our loft and you could have easily slept a real baby in it up until they were 3-4 months old, not that we have though. Thank you for a blast from the past my lovely xx
    Yesterday just flew by and today 3 out of 4 of the grands decorated the tree etc so it’s been a fun day. Sleep well everyone. Take care. Love Sue xx
