
Saturday 9 December 2023

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

As you are reading this we will either be on our way to Brixham to see Paul's Mum or we will actually be there!  It's been ages since we have been, every time we've been free She has been away in Birmingham or Canada!  It will be a long day but lovely to catch up x

Sophie's latest portrait 

Sophie was asked to perform some magic for a Special Christmas gift. A friend at work asked said to Sophie that she would love a picture of her Nana who had passed away with her Nephew, sadly Nana didn't get to meet little Frankie before she passed so she wondered if Sophie could draw a portrait of Nana with her Great Grandson, Sophie said she would have a go and asked for some photos, which are the ones you see above.  
I think she did a great job, when the lady that commissioned the piece opened the box Soph said that she gasped and cried, she said that Soph had captured her mum perfectly!  

She has been asked to create artwork for two large pillars in the Restaurant at the Wildlife Park,  she is going for a jungle theme to compliment the oil painting she did earlier in the year.  She has been asked to create them at work this time  She wasn't keen on the idea as the restaurant is chaos when it's busy, she is painting them onto boards that will be hung on the pillars, so she can take them to a quieter place if she needs to.  

I hope that you all have a super Saturday,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    Oh I love that list 😉
    Wow, Sophie’s portrait is amazing 😍 I’m not surprised the recipient cried, Sophie has done a fantastic job. Such a lovely gift idea too ☺️ Well done Sophie, you definitely have a talent that will take you far 🥰
    I hope you have a safe trip to Brixham and the weather and traffic isn’t too bad. Have a nice day with Paul’s mum xx
    I’m off to work soon. I’m still not feeling 100% so I’m hoping it won’t be too busy.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Fabulous drawing Sophie I am not surprised at all that the recipient loved it
    I love the list I need to share that with my daughter!
    I hope the trip to Brixham goes OK Is it an even longer journey now?
    Got a GP appointment later this morning and then out for dinner with some Salsa friends this evening
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love that list, so true
    Oh wow. Sophie's work is amazing. No wonder the lady cried. Such a beautiful art work.
    Hope your day in Brixham was good and the journey was not too bad.
    No card from me again this week, so sorry Sandra but have been busy with moving stuff so no energy left for any crafting.
    Anyone not feeling well today I wish you are alright tomorrow, take care.
    Warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  4. Hello short comment today. Raining buckets here today, do feel so sorry for those people who have been flooded out.

    That list is so true, suits me to a T.

    What a wonderful drawing Sophie has produced, she is so talented.

    Hope things are ok when you get home Sandra.
    I’ll say goodnight. Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a brilliant portrait by Sophie, she has captured the little boy’s and Great Nan features perfectly. She is such a talented young lady. Thank you for sharing this beautiful picture with us xxx
    This morning John got the Christmas tree out of the loft, so my job for the day was to put the lights on and decorate it. It’s finished now I’m pleased to say .
    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Sleep well, love Brenda xxx

  6. H Sandra and all looking in. A beautiful card yesterday and a great tip to remember. It’s so annoying when you get this problem so hopefully you will have saved lots of cards going in the bin 😁
    Soph has waved her magic wand, or rather her magic pencil again. She has such a fabulous talent. You would think it is a photo made to look like a drawing wouldn’t you What a lovely idea for the recipient too. It’s so good to hear that work have asked her to paint more signs. And at work this time, they will see how long it takes and how much effort she puts into each piece of art that she creates. I hope you and Paul had a safe journey to and from Brixham my lovely xx
    I hope you all get a good nights sleep. It’s blowing a gale here at the moment and has been since we sat down about 6pm for our dinner. Fingers crossed it doesn’t cause any problems for anyone as it sounds really bad at the moment. Sending hugs. Take care. Love Sue xx
