
Thursday 21 December 2023

Maria's Crystal Gnome Card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Today I want to introduce you to Zebedee the latest addition to our family, isn't he adorable?!  The girls love him and wish him good morning and good night, his is on the new Kallax unit in the Hallway and he catches the light beautifully.  

He is of course my Christmas card from our lovely Maria,  you put so much work into these cards my lovely, they truly feel like more of a gift because of the time and love you put into creating each card.  Thank you so much my lovely,  the girls will be asking where he is next year so he will join the Robin you made me the year before in coming put every year as part of our decorations. XXX

Lilian I hope that your Christmas day part 1, went off okay and that you enjoyed the time with your family, today you should put your feet up and rnjoy the left overs.  

Karen, I do hope that the Dentist /Hygienist went ok, you are very brave XXX

Janet, we all send our love sweetheart,  hope you and Jim are well XXX

As always my love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. He is gorgeous It’s wonderful that you have found a crafting hobby that you really enjoy doing My card is just as lovely Thank you Maria
    Dentist went OK But I’ve got to have a bit of work doing which I need to think about It’s so expensive even as an NHS patient!
    Off to visit OH’s aunt this morning Might need to look after Oscar this afternoon and out dancing tonight! So a busy day ahead
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi All, dry but very windy.
    I’m shattered, son and his family have just left. We had a super roast turkey yesterday with all the trimmings, Son did all the cooking I just cleared up behind him. Used nearly every knife and nearly all of my utensils. Then there is the saucepans and dishes, and they are just what he used for cooking.

    Sonia lovely card yesterday, and Maria love this fellow. I also have a lovely beaded card, it must take infinite patience.

    Sandra glad you are beginning to feel a bit better, hope the wounded are beginning to mend. Great news about the insurance coming up with a good offer.

    Not doing much today, hope you all have a good day, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Maria, I love your card, he’s so cute. I can imagine him glistening in the light on your unit Sandra ☺️
    Busy day at work, then took Barney for his Christmas groom ☺️ I popped into town and did some more Christmas shopping. I think I just need one more present, so I’m getting there 😅
    Lilian, glad you had a lovely time with your family ☺️
    Karen, enjoy your dancing tonight.
    Have a good evening everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Glad you like your Christmas card Sandra. Thought you got an new pet🐕 first but couldn't see the photo 😊
    Karen feeling for you being to the dentist, we are going in the morning and I need some work too. Another fun morning for had a blood test 7am and then back to bed after problems with IBS all night 😔
    Lilian, hope you had a rest today after the family been. Take care
    Sue, hope you feeling better.
    Janet, thinking of you.
    Hoping you all soon ready for your
    Christmas Day and will have a great day whatever you are up to.
    Sending you all hugs and wish you a good night xxx

  5. I’ve just lost quite a long comment. I put the iPad down and walked across the lounge to pick something up, when I returned to my chair my comment had disappeared. ANYWAY I was saying Maria l admire your patience making this card. the card you sent us is equally intricate you are so talented. Thank you for our card it’s beautiful xx
    Lilian hope you have been resting today after the lovely family day you had yesterday.
    Take care everyone, sleep well. Goodnight all Love Brenda xxx
