
Saturday 23 December 2023

Happy Christmas Eve Eve


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

How true is that statement?? I think it wouldn't matter how big your craft room was you'd never have the right amount or enough space!  My craft room often resembles the one above.  

Seeing that mess reminds me of something my brother and I did when we were children.  My Dad's garage/workshop resembled the chaos above, tools piled high, bits of wood/ metal, old baby milk tins here and there,  his toolboxes were empty though. So one Saturday mornings my brother and I decided that we would tidy Dad's workbench, it took us the whole day, we sorted screws, organised socket sets, put flat head screwdrivers in one box and cross heads in another, his bench was virtually clear!  We were filthy and exhausted but so excited to show him when he got back from his fishing trip.  We waited excitedly by the door, he swung the door open and his face was a picture, he thanked us and said what an amazing job we had done but his face was telling a different story.  We later discovered that he was horrified, it took him months to find everything, in our minds we couldn't understand that in all that chaos he could lay his hand on anything he needed but he could.  It wasn't long before it looked like it did before we started.  🤣😂

I saw this on Facebook the other day and thought I'd share it with all of you.  It's so very true!  I honestly think it's only fellow crafters that truly appreciate a Handmade card. 

I hope that you all have a lovely Christmas Eve Eve,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Oh Sandra, I can see that being me next year. You have told us about your shelves and storage boxes etc. and you still need more..... we'll I will have no chance 🤭😊😂
    So true that other statement. No other people then card makers understand what it takes to make a card.
    I'm home alone today so have been able to look at my recordings this morning. Did some housework and now going to prep some food for tomorrow's celebrations as it's Christmas for us tomorrow. Looking forward to facetime some of them tomorrow too.
    Hoping you all have a good day and cooking, wrapping presents and what else needed doing be ready in time. Many hugs to you all, Maria 🎄☃️⛷️🎁 xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I think we can all relate to not having enough craft storage 😉😂
    My table often looks like that, with me rummaging through everything to find something - usually my tweezers 🤣
    The quote is so true - some people just don’t appreciate the time and effort that goes into making a card, sadly.
    I had a little chuckle at your story of you and your brother tidying up your Dads garage ☺️
    Had a busy day at work, and tonight is set aside for wrapping some more presents!
    Hope you’ve all had a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    That statement is so true, yet only a crafter can understand it. My work area may look messy but I know where everything is!
    Hope you ladies are almost ready to relax and enjoy Christmas. Pleased we are not at home, yesterday our fridge decided it was going to die, talk about bad timing, so today we have been out looking at fridges, we haven’t bought one yet, ever store we looked at OH said we will think about it! daughter has loaned us a small one, so we are ok for the time being.
    Think I am almost ready for Christmas, all online deliveries have arrived, I don’t know how I managed before online deliveries. I used to love going around the shops just couldn’t do it these days.
    Will say goodnight to you all, sleep well, love Brenda xxx
