
Sunday 12 November 2023

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

My goodness the temperature seems to have really dropped, we went shopping yesterday afternoon and by about 4pm I was so incredibly cold, it was miserable, so grateful to have the log burner to sit in front of, the Aga had the kitchen and dining room lovely and warm which was very welcome when we got home.  Time to start layering up the clothes i think, I hate being cold it makes your aches and pains seem so much worse! 

Your Poppy Challenge cards


Gina shared a beautiful Poppy card that she made a few years ago, such an adorable image, is it House Mouse? Look at his little face, so 😍.   
Such a lovely card that would make anyone smile Gina, Thank you so very much for supporting the challenge, good luck with your Clean & Simple Christmas cards my lovely XXX 


Karen's Description:

The poppy one I tried to do a background a la Janet Pring (on C&C With hindsight I wish I’d done the background stamping in brown to match the poppy heads
#398 Celestial Navigation in carved pumpkin and fossilised amber
#79 Sputnik stencil
#563 Follow Your Own Path
#447 Poppy Seedheads coloured with Inktense pencils 
Some gold/silver/green/red gilding flakes That Stix2 glue is good
White Posca Pen Splats. 

Love this card Karen,  those colours work beautifully together,  I didn't even think about using my Aall&Create stamps until you reminded me by making this card, I don't think the background ink stands out as a different colour, I think we can be too hard on ourselves sometimes, had you not mentioned it I doubt anyone would notice such finite detail.  
In reality it is a truly amazing card with so much detail and interest to look at, thank you so much for inspiring me and supporting this weeks challenge XXX 


Lilian's Description:  

Hi, here are my cards for Sunday.

1/ indigo blue stamps from one of their magazine

2/ Very old stamp from Hero Arts, on craft card (not my favourite)

3/ Poppy stamps from Amazon, a light script background.

Coloured with either water colour pens and inktense water colour paints.

Hope you are having a good weekend .

WoW Lilian,  what an Incredible display of cards, it gives me the hugest pleasure to know I have maybe inspired you to sit and enjoy playing with craft things that you have sitting around.
Your cards are all so lovely,  I can't pick a favourite,  I would love to have your colouring skills my lovely.  Thank you so much for taking part in this challenge Lilian XXX


Maria has made two cards, I have saved one for next Sunday as Maria is going through similar situation to me where everything is packed away for redecorating, hopefully it will be all worth it when you have your lovely craft room all organised!! 

Your rememberance card is so lovely,  they look like lovely toppers, i wouldn't have guesssed that they were stickers, such pretty colours too. The shaped card you created was genius idea Maria, it shows off stickers perfectly.  Thank you so much I really do appreciate you going to so much trouble to make cards while everything is packed up my lovely XXX 


Sonia's Description:

Here’s a poppy card I found. I made it in 2016! I used an Inkylicious stamp.

WOW Sonia,  simply stunning,  sometimes the simpler the design the bigger the impact.  It certainly hasn't dated in 6 years.  
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely card with us XXX 


Sue actually made 6 cards with this one die, which is proof that if you minimalise what you have to use the more ideas you come up with!  Now I had this very die years ago, I think I used it once and its probably in a box  somewhere,  Sue however has really made the most out of it,  its one of those dies that you can use for many different occasions as Sue has shown. 
Thank you so much Sue for so many lovely cards XXX 


Thanks once again my lovely friends what an amazing display of cards, that couldn't be more perfect for this weekend X❤X

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Gorgeous cards ladies
    I used the poppy heads one because I don’t have any poppy flower stamps I have another Aall and Create stamp that could possibly double as a poppy I’ll hopefully have a play later this week
    The house is warm and toasty because the grandkids stayed over and so we didn’t turn it down as we normally would
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A lovely selection of beautiful cards 😍
    Milder today, but back to rain! It hasn’t stopped here all day! The heating went on straight away again when I got home from work.
    Just dropped James at the station to go to Dorset. I’ll be picking him up on Tuesday, so I’m looking forward to Teddy cuddles ☺️
    I hope you’re all having a good day whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful poppy cards ladies. Love them all.
    Glad to see you got your mojo back Lilian, your cards are lovey and
    Sue, so many options with just the one die, very nice.
    I hope you all have had a good day and managed to to do something. Me ,I just had a day in bed but hoping to get out somewhere tomorrow, even just for a coffee.
    Sending many hugs to you all xx

  4. Evening, another showery dark day, they seem to get darker earlier each day. I hate dark evenings.

    Love all the cards today, all nice and inspiring for me for next week.
    We have just spent ages looking for Rs phone, tried ringing it but still no joy.
    Have a good night all Lilian.
