
Wednesday 1 November 2023

Pretty Poppies

Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

It's November,  it has to be the month that seems to disappears the quickest as it's become part of the run down to Christmas.  It's a lovely month though, cozy nights, cool crisp weather, time to reflect and remember too. 

We had another lovely sunny day yesterday, we put some washing out to dry, we had an appointment in Swindon (Audiology) which seemed to have been successful as I managed to keep my hearing aids in all day, without any nausea!! She put a shorter tube on the one in my right ear, which seems to have helped, fingers 🤞 crossed.  On the way back through Swindon we had the sun behind us and the darkest clouds in front of us, so much so that the trees looked like they were illuminated, as we got closer to the dark clouds there was an almighty clap of hunder followed by so torrential rain, maybe the start of storm Ciaran ?! 

Little Challenge idea 

I thought that with November being a month of Rememberance that it might be nice to get our Poppy stamps and dies out, maybe make a Journal page dedicated to someone in your family of friendship circle to dedicate it too, poppies make beautiful cards for any occasion though, so cards for any occasion would work too.  
If you don't have a particular poppy stamp, I'm sure you have something similar to use in it's place, or you could use something else that signifies rememberance. 
Poppies come in many colours too and I intend to explore the different colours as much as I can.

I know it's not our usual day for Challenge announcements but I had a lovely couple of hours making today's card and that's what inspired the idea for the challenge.  What do you think?? 

I used StampinUp Painted Poppies stamp for this card,  with Real Red card and alcohol markers with Granny apple green leaves and background.  I saw this card on Pinterest made by a lady called Julie Gilsom,  there were a few different versions though, I like the simplicity of the design.  I am breaking myself in gently as my mojo is STILL packed in a box that I haven’t found yet 🤣😂

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Beautiful card SANDRA and a lovely idea for a challenge I have a very old Memory Box die and an AALL & Create (Tracey Evans) poppy head stamp So I will have a go
    Need to phone the hospital today as I need to sort some bits out Other than that I haven’t got much on
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card, love poppies.
    Not sure anymore where my stamps are, might try something different.
    Having a sneaky minute by myself, SIL is here and we are soon going out for lunch together and then Son had a delivery this morning with vegan donuts from Krispy Kreme for our desert later this afternoon.
    I hope you all have a nice day. Many hugs to you from me xxx

  3. Hello All, we are battened down dreading the storm which is due to arrive soon. It’s pouring down at the moment.
    Love the idea of poppies for the challenge, and your pretty card. Have several poppy stamps and dies so should be ok.
    Not sure if they will be able to deliver my groceries tomorrow, people asked not to go out and schools closed.
    Let’s hope no one is foolish enough to go wave watching, there are plenty of warnings, but you always get some silly people who think they know better
    Keep safe everyone, Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. You know I love anything to do with Poppies and also their significance this month so I think it is a fabulous idea for the challenge. I must be honest and say I haven’t got a clue if I will even get any free time at home but I hope to be able to get a bit of crafting in this weekend 🤞 Really glad to hear, no pun intended, that you are finding your hearing aids much better after your audiology appointment. I’m really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. It’s been far too long since our last catch up! The views from your lounge and bedroom of storm clouds over the hills will be wonderful. I we will get to see lots tomorrow if the forecast is right! Sleep well I hope my lovely xx
    Maria, Im sure you all enjoyed the doughnuts, a nice treat from C for you. I prefer good old fashioned jam ones just rolled in sugar though. I hope your mouth is feeling better now xx
    Another busy day with Pop. It’s slow going but each day we get more done. Sleep well. Take care . Love Sue xx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Beautiful card Sandra, I must look at my stamps because I think I have this stamp or one very similar.
    Lilian I hope the latest storm hasn’t been to destructive where you are, the television channels are showing some really strong waves crashing on the sea walls it’s very worrying. I just hope everyone stays indoors and away from those destructive tides xxx
    Time for bed, I have a blood test (INR) in the morning. That’s as exciting as life gets these days.
    Good night everyone, hugs Brenda xxx
