
Friday 10 November 2023

Forever Grateful


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

That's another week flown by, we now have 6 weeks until Christmas weekend.  How this year has flown,  it literally feels like it was only a couple of weeks since we came home from holiday!  

Have you all got your Christmas planned out,  are you hosting or travelling to be with family?  We are home, as always, the girls are definitely home, I think Flynn is here with us too.  Becca and Adam are working so I'm not sure if they are coming to us or not, I guess it will depend how late they work etc, it maybe easier for them to come on Boxing Day, we just do a huge buffet all day, so its a lot more relaxed and nobody is spending time in the kitchen all day.  I would happily do that on Christmas day but my lot enjoy their Christmas dinner too much!  

Lucy is a happy girl today as Flynn is home this afternoon,  it has seemed a long 4 months this time. 

Today's card is a quick Poppy card made using the Painted Poppy Dsp, I used Poppy Parade card for the base and matt, then white card background and a piece of the pretty dsp offset against the red mat and adhered down.  I thought that Forever Grateful was a fitting sentiment for today's card and for this weekend too.  We are all Forever Grateful to those that gave their lives so that we could live freely. ❤️ 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Gorgeous card Very effective layout to offsetting that paper
    Christmas? Don’t know yet what we’ll be doing
    I have a hospital appointment this afternoon- an angiogram I am feeling very nervous
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello, very cold here, heating on full blast.
    Great card today, love that designer paper, quite unusual.

    I think I have just finished my card at last, why do I always think it needs a bit more and then spoil it.

    Karen , thinking of you , must admit although I’ve had several, I always get nervous. Hope it goes well.

    Hope everyone is ok , or at least as best as can be. Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card today 😍
    Happy to hear Flynn is home, and he’ll be spending Christmas with you.
    I’m working Christmas Day morning, then it’s just Mark and I. James will be in Dorset, where Mark and I are also spending Boxing Day, and Luke will be at Hayley’s. It’s fair to say I won’t be cooking a Christmas dinner, I expect Mark and I will just get some nice bits in to enjoy over the afternoon and evening. Although it’ll be a very different day for us, I’m actually looking forward to it 😊
    Karen, hope your angiogram went well xx
    Brenda, hope you’re having a relaxing day today after yesterday xx
    Have a good evening everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi, sorry being so so late but really thought I been in earlier.
    A beautiful card Sandra. Happy to see you got the place together for some crafting. Mine will take a bit longer because we have decided to get the bedroom sorted too. It won't be anything before Christmas that for sure.
    Like to be home for Christmas this year. It gets a bit much when it is 11/12 of us around the table. Might feel different in a few weeks but right now I could just stay home with some goodies and watch Christmas movies. Yes I know, boring 😂
    Karen, hope you are alright and everything went well yesterday
    Good night everyone. Many hugs to you all in xx
