
Tuesday 28 November 2023

A Christmas Tissue technique card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I had a bit of a slow day yesterday as I was feeling the effects of the weekend,  I was in and out of the wheelchair around the museum as the old cottages aren't accessible in wheelchair,  luckily Paul took my phone and photographed the upstairs of the houses as there was no way I was getting up there!  Frustratingly my phone died at about 2pm so I didn't get to photograph the 'village', it had such a lovely atmosphere as they were Carol singing and roasting chestnuts in the village centre.  

We woke to a lovely clear morning yesterday but by the time I was showered and got dressed I couldn't see the hills, the were behind a veil of fog and remained that way all day.  We had lights on in the craft room/office from about 10.30am. 

For todays card I used a piece of one of the Tissue paper backgrounds that I made on Friday,  I layered it onto a 3 × 3 inch piece of white card,  I added that to 4 1/4 inch X 5 1/2 inch card base, I added a die cut snowflake border die cut in silver mirror card and popped a diamante in the centre of each snowflake. The sentiment was a freebie from last month's Card Making & Papercraft magazine,  I die cut it in white and silver and infilled the letters with the silver  mirror card. 

I hope that you all have a brighter Tuesday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx


  1. Love the card That tissue paper background almost looks like it has a “winter” tree
    Your museum trip sounded marvellous and seems Christmas is a great time to visit to see the Christmas decorations and things
    I cannot wait to go - but might not be until next year
    Off to get nails done in a mo and then go to the chemist Out dancing tonight
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Like Karen say ,it does look like the branch of a tree going through. It turned out to be a very nice card. Your visit to the museum sound so nice and I love to see it myself now. It shouldn't be too far for us to get to.
    Karen, enjoy going dancing tonight.
    Brenda, hope the visit to the dentist went well. Take care x
    Sue, hoping you are alright.
    Lilian and Janet, hope you both are ok and wrap up warm if going out. It feels very cold today.
    I started this morning with hospital. Have been signed off, nothing they can do. Seeing doctor this afternoon for another issue, can already hear the words, sorry but..... Popped in to a bedroom store, thought about to change the wardrobe but just to change a few doors costing a trip to see the "kids" so will have to think about that.
    Hope you all have a nice day. Many hugs to you all xx

  3. Hello, dry but very cold, washing has been out, but no drying today. In the dryer now.

    Cute little card, love the tissue background.
    Maria sorry they have signed you off, hope Dr is more helpful.

    Karen, have a lovely time out dancing tonight.
    I’ve spent the day looking for my construction tape, I know I have a couple of reels, but nowhere to be found.
    Have a good evening all Lilian.

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Very clever making the tissue paper look like a branch (even if it was a happy accident) it creates a very different background for your card, it’s lovely.
    Went to the dentist this morning, she checked my teeth and gave them a clean and polish. She asked me to return later in the afternoon as she was not sure how long the new filling would take to complete. The dentist is only 5mins away (well 10mins at my speed) so it wasn’t a problem.Teeth now sorted and no follow up appointments. Yippee 🙏
    Hope your day was good, goodnight sleep well, love Brenda xxx
