
Friday 6 October 2023

Its Friday!!!


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

This week has definitely whizzed by, I'm not sure that we have acheived much, it's mostly been paperwork, well not 'paper' as its all online but you know what I mean, closing old gas & electric accounts and updating new ones, Water companies,  council tax etc, I need to buy some oil too for heating etc, some logs too, the lounge is still full of boxes etc so we have been going up to lay on our bed after dinner, we intended watching a show but both fall asleep within half hour!  🤣😂              We are hoping to get a good bit done this weekend 🤞

Today's card is a Festive Friday Throwback , in fact the day I shared this card Sue came over for the first time after lock down,  it may actually have been in-between the two lock downs as it was October 2020. I remember the excitement of seeing someone after months of seeing nobody!  

The card is a Groovi Christmas card that I made following a tutorial from a lady called Hazel Edwards, I loved how it turned out, I coloured it with Polychromo pencils and the background card is Peacock Feathers .                                                        I haven’t used my Groovi things for such a long time that I think I am going to sell it all, the cards are beautiful but very time consuming and when you need cards daily it just doesn't work, my poor eyesight doesn't help either!  There are things that I enjoy equally if not more than Groovi so I'm not upset about it,  moving my craft stash has made me even more aware that I have a ridiculous amount of stash that I don't use! 

I hope that you all have a fantastic Friday,

Sonia have a safe journey home, I bet Barney will have the waggiest tail in the world when he sees you ! 🐕 🥰

My love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                         xxxx


  1. It’s a beautiful card SANDRA I don’t blame you selling your Groovi stuff It is a gorgeous art but like you say it is very time consuming (and expensive) We all spend “silly” amounts on crafting stuff So if you can recoup a little back to spend on other things you enjoy then why not
    This week has been strange I have enjoyed my first week of retirement even though I felt poorly at the beginning of the week I still have quite a bit to do for the wedding but it means I can do it at a slower pace and not be in a panic
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Sandra. I always have wanted to make this craft for many years but never got around to buy it, think it was the price on each bit you needed.
    Good to hear you are feeling better Karen. Have a nice relaxing weekend.
    Janet, hope you are ok and your appointment went well.
    Lilian. Have a nice weekend. Sending gentle hugs for you and all who are in pain.
    Sue, did you find your way out of Sandra's house 😊. Sandra, take your time. No rush on unpacking is it.
    I have to move my stuff out of the room soon for the " kids" are coming next week but will try to keep some things out as so I can join in to make some cards. I have one of my injections this morning. It was alright, just hoping it will work so we can start walking more.
    Brenda, how are you doing ? Sending hugs for you and John.
    Sonia, safe journey home.
    Have a nice day ladies. Many hugs to you all and to our missing friends.

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your throwback card, it is pretty but yes I can imagine very time consuming.
    We arrived home just before 4pm - it was a long journey, and seems that we’ve left the rain and miserable weather in Wales! We had a lovely time, despite the weather but I’m glad to be home. Barney was very excited to see us and we we were greeted with lots of licks and tail wiggles 🤣 Had a lovely long hug with James, and looking forward to one from Luke too when he’s home from work ☺️
    An overflowing washing basket now awaits me, but that will wait until tomorrow.
    I hope you’re all ok and had a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello, lovely sunny day here, quite warm too.
    Lovely card today, I bought the groovi, but it was too fiddly for me. It’s just sits in the cupboard doing no nothin
    Have our daughter here with her husband for the weekend. Just doing fiendishly hard jigsaw.

    Hope you all have a good weekend, Lilian
