
Wednesday 25 October 2023

Another card from the Daisy B Workshop


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

Just a quickie from me today, I ended up feeling so rough after tea,  I was so hot and my heart was racing that I couldn't relax at all, then i felt like i was going to be sick, Paul got me into bed thank goodness.

Today's card is another one that we made on Saturday at the DaisyB workshop. Something completely different to my usual style but it was fun to actually sit and craft and chat.

I hope that you all have a lovely day 

Love and hugs 

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi everyone
    Another lovely card today 😊
    Hope you’re feeling better this morning. Will be thinking of you today, hope all goes well. Sending extra hugs 🥰
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xx

  2. It is a lovely card but like you say it’s totally different to our usual style of crafting It was lovely doing a little bit of fussy cutting and trying to shade flowers instead of flat colouring It made me use ribbon and reminded us of tearing card instead of cutting it
    I hope today goes OK You might not get the results today as it might get sent to pathology/histology
    Take care everyone We’re off to visit an aunt of OH today xx

  3. Hi everyone. Sorry that you felt poorly but hoping everything went well today.
    Love your card and it's not your usual style but fun with something new.
    I had dentist this morning. I got relaxations injection and didn't feel anything to have a tooth removed. It lasted for a few hours, now just feeling a bit like a hamster but no pain.
    Hope you otherwise have had a good day ladies and that all goes alright for you Janet. Sending hugs to you all. xxx

  4. Hello, dry and a little breezy.

    Sandra do hope you are feeling better tonight, and not in too much pain from your appointment today.
    Cute card today, a lot of fussy cutting, love your colouring.

    Not done much today, bones aching all over.
    Have a good night Lilian
