
Friday 27 October 2023

A pretty card from a lovely Friend


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Another week has whizzed by,  the clocks go back this weekend too so it will really feel like Winter is on its way.  So far we have noticed a huge difference already with the heating of the house, even in the coldest evening we have had the heating on quite low for an hour to take the chill off and the room has stayed warm enough to just sit in a t-shirt,  so fingers crossed we will not be spending a fortune and still sitting huddled around an oil filled radiator like we were at Manor Lodge. 

Do you all have anything exciting planned for the weekend?  

I have an MRI of my head for my Ear Drum on Saturday morning at 10am, we will probably do some shopping while we are there, other than that nothing exciting for us. 

Today's beautiful card was made for me by our Lilian, the photo doesn't do it justice, it's a beautiful shade of yellow.  It really cheered me up to have some 'Happy Mail'  i really must get my Tim Holtz stamps out to play with them ! 
Thank you so much Lilian XXX 

I hope that you all have a fantastic Friday,

Love & hugs to all,



  1. Morning from Maeigny

    We have another wet and Gray start to the day. We only have two more days here leaving on Sunday morning. We have sold the house and signed the necessary paperwork starting the process. We have also signed the necessary paperwork for the Notaire to organise the final papers to be signed in our absence.
    Hugs to everyone.xxxx

  2. Lovely card Lilian I hope the scan goes well tomorrow
    We have another Halloween party tonight and another one tomorrow!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi , so sorry I missed yesterday, my memory is dreadful these days, love the throw back card.

    Wet here again, have loads of washing todo. First load almost finished.

    Karen enjoy your parties, I would think you will be the best dressed pair there.
    Have finished my challenge piece, I hesitate to call it a card, it’s an experimental piece, that I had fun playing with yesterday, going to try and do a normal card this morning.
    Sandra do hope you are beginning to feel a bit better, it always takes me a few days to feel right.
    Hope everyone has a good day. Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. What a pretty card. Sunflowers always brighten the dullest days don’t they. It is lovely Lilian.
    Sandra, glad that home is so much warmer than the old one. I hope you get the scan done ok tomorrow 🤞xx
    Karen, enjoy your parties. Have you got different costumes for each party? Xx
    Maria thinking of you xx
    Janet, glad you are sorted out but sure it is a very emotional time for you both. Xx
    Have a good day everyone. Take care. Love Sue xx

  5. Hi everyone
    a fabulous card made by our Lilian. I love those stamps and if time and health give me a chance I might use one for this Sunday but not 100% sure for we are doing the garage with the "kids" this weekend and boy, it is a lot out there. We have time for the skip on Monday but can see us doing a few rounds over.
    Sandra, so hoping everything will get sorted asap for you but I still think that you should complain to whoever is the top man/woman. I'm spitting feathers for how they have treated you and probably many others.
    Karen, have a great time at your costume parties. Like Sue I liked to know if you have a different costume for each night ?
    Janet, hope you are alright ? Good you managed to sell the place but sad at the same time. Thinking of you both. Have a safe journey home on Sunday.
    Brenda, how are you doing ? Sending you special hugs ,also to our Lilian. Wishes for you to feel better soon.
    Thank you Sue. It's a lot at the moment with both of my parents, me and clearing out all my crafting stuff etc and C have to sort his things out before he leaves again on the 7 of Nov. The time is just flying these days.
    Take care , many hugs to you all. Maria xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Beautiful card today from Lilian, the colouring and mount are just a perfect match.
    Hope your MRI scan goes well tomorrow Sandra, thinking of you xx
    What ever you have planned ladies have a good weekend.
    Take care everyone, hugs Brenda xx
