
Thursday 7 September 2023

Sue's Art Deco Stepper card


Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

Yesterday was one of the best days we have had this holiday,  we were on the beach before ten, there was barely a  breath of wind, the sea was a mix of calm and rough throughout the day, I managed to get in a couple of times but not for long,  it felt so cold, Paul had a good swim though.  We both read our books and did various puzzles all day, we didn't leave the beach until 7.30pm !!  

Today's card is another Sue's 'Shaped Card Challenge ' inspiration cards.  I haven’t made an Art Deco card in years!  I do still have a load of Art Deco CD Roms somewhere, from either Debbie More or dare I admit it "The Glitter Girls"  !!  Did any of you have their embossing boards ??? I laugh now looking back at their C & C tv shows,  they used to put these Art Deco cards together in minutes on TV, in reality trying to cut a perfect arch out after embossing the shape with one of their boards was almost impossible (if you wanted something that was good enough to send to somebody).  It took me a while to notice that they had everything all pre prepared and cut out with foam pads added ready to assemble.!  I would love to have watched one if them cut out the shapes live on air!!! 

Sue's Description:

I used a Press-cut Step card set of dies to cut the base and layers. A Hunkydory Art deco glamour magazine freebie set with some flat back pearls and a vertical sentiment to finish.

A lovely card Sue, that vertical sentiment and the pearls you added look like they were part of a kit, it all works so perfectly!!   Thank you so much for more amazing inspiration!!! XXX

I hope that you all have a great Thursday, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Love the card Sue I have never made a stepper card - one day I will!
    I,too, have an Art Deco CD-ROM Mine is My Craft Studio!
    Your day on the beach sounded perfect Today is supposed to be one of the hottest days of the year So I won’t be venturing far This evening we are going to a friend’s art exhibition and maybe go dancing after
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A lovely card Sue 😍
    I remember the Glitter Girls 😀 they made it all look so easy! I think I did have one of their boards once, but think I gave it away.
    Sounds like a lovely relaxing day at the beach yesterday 😊
    Maria, it takes at least a couple of hours to get to Dorset from here, should be able to do it in under that time, but whenever I go there’s always loads of traffic 😩
    Brenda, I will definitely be having cuddles with Teddy 😊 it’s been a couple of weeks since I saw him and seems like a lifetime ago. I can’t wait 😍
    Hope you’re all coping in the heat, bit too hot for me especially at work 🥵
    Have a good evening
    Sending hugs to you all xx

  3. Hello Everyone, a real scorcher today, although it’s been mostly cloudy.

    Sue love your card, I have tried a couple of different cards, but they now languish in the bin. Will have another try tomorrow before family arrive for the weekend.

    Sandra your day yesterday sounded wonderful, hope you have more relaxing days.

    Goodnight everyone, Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. I hope you and Paul had another relaxing day my lovely. Much deserved rest for you both xx
    Todays card is made from a magazines freebie kit. I just added some flat back pearls and sentiment. Not really my style but at least I have used a few bits of the kit up.
    Karen, hope the art exhibition was good. Dancing in this heat must be a hot affair with lots of extra drinks of water needed xx
    Sonia, I can imagine how hot it is at work for you, especially in this heat xx
    Lilian, I’m sure you will have a lovely weekend with your family xx
    Maria, Brenda and Janet, I hope you have all managed to stay as cool as possible xx
    Sending love. Take care. Love Sue xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Hope you all managed to stay cool today, wasn't a hot day. Your day sounded good Sandra yesterday so hopefully it was the same today. Nice to be able to cool off in the sea.
    Sonia, bless you having to be working in this heat. Have many well worthy hugs this weekend by Teddy.
    Sue, love your card. I have a pack of Art Deco somewhere. Think I would have liked that era.
    Have bad tooth ache since last night so I'm be going to the dentist in the morning, luckily they had a cancellation or she couldn't see me until October.
    Hope you are able to get some sleep tonight ladies. Many hugs to you all xxx
