
Thursday 14 September 2023

Some Throwback Anniversary Cards


Good Morning Ladies, 

A day of mixed emotions 😍🥰😪!  

We are of course celebrating  Our 32 year Wedding Anniversary in amidst the chaos and upheaval of moving house.  So we haven't really planned anything, as long as we spend some time together thats all I need. 

The frustrating 'fly in the ointment' is the news I received from GP surgery first thing yesterday, I had a blood test on Tuesday afternoon,  the nurse said I would hear in around a week if there was anything concerning....well they had results in little over 12 hours,  which is concerning in itself,  the test was for Liver function, my Liver is apparently not functioning very well, I am expecting a phone consultation this morning to discuss the results,  there is a list of things that I have been warned to seek immediate medical attention for, my main symptom is pain in my abdomen, more on my right side.  GP thinks it could be due to the many antibiotics I have been prescribed recently!  I feel sick with anxiety to be honest with you. I will let you know any news as I get it. 

So I decided to share a selection of the Anniversary cards that I have made for Paul in recent years, I will shsre todays after he has seen/opened it.  

I hope that you all have a lovely Thursday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Happy Anniversary Like you say, just spending time together is enough Your cards for Paul are lovely
    I hope the GP appointment goes OK Get your list of questions at the ready!
    We went to see Choir of Man the other night It’s a beautiful, feel good show I can thoroughly recommend it A 90 minute show with no interval with singing and dancing We even went for a drink after the show and still home by 11pm
    Out dancing tonight
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A very Happy Anniversary to you and Paul ❤️🥂 xx I hope you get chance to spend some quality time together 🥰
    Thinking of you as you wait to hear from the surgery, I hope they can finally get to the bottom of this instead of keep giving you antibiotics.
    Lovely cards you’ve shared, they’re all beautiful 😍
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello, much colder today, had to dig my cardigan out.

    Sandra Happy Anniversary to both Paul and Yourself. Hope you manage to get some time together.
    Lovely cards you have made Paul in the past.

    Hope your consultation with the GP gave you some answers at last.
    Hope you all had a good day. Lilian
