
Wednesday 20 September 2023

Pretty Meadow card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you well, I really wish the sun would return, I have a mountain of washing to get through but it has rained everyday since Sunday, we had to go back to the old house today and the fields either side of the river are under water again, they must have had more rain than we did.

I had my hearing aids fitted yesterday afternoon,  I found it very overwhelming if I'm honest, a combination of hormones and having to face up to the fact that I have hearing loss, after she put them in it became evident how bad my hearing is, it is mostly the tinnitus thats causing most of the issue, the hearing aids to help with that but they have an little background noise of their own, its a feint crackle, apparently I will get used to it. 

Today's card is one I made before we went on holiday,  I REALLY love this background,  I used a fine tip glue pot to add Brusho powder to watercolour paper, I then lightly spritzed with water, it turned out better than I hoped  

I wanted as much of the background to show through,  so I stamped a meadow stamp in VersaMark,  added gold embossing powder and heat set. I mounted onto a black mat and then onto a coordinating card base.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Janet I hope that you enjoyed K & N, I feel for you with blood tests, they aren't pleasant,  sending hugs 

Karen, I hope you enjoyed lunch with your friend,  I can't wait to see your outfit xxx

Maria Wisdom teeth pain is miserable,  I hope you get sorted soon XXX 

Love & Hugs to all of you,



  1. That card is lovely I don’t have any Brushos but some good old Pixie Powders and will have a go
    Great idea to emboss in gold It looks beautiful and so different to black We have had the odd shower and it’s glorious sunshine now I hope you get used to the hearing aids but don’t put up with them Get them checked We have (or at least used to) a walk-in clinic for things like that
    Lunch out with my friend was lovely We had lots to chat about and she loved my wedding outfit I’ve got the dentist later So I hope to shop for some earrings to go with it
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all looking in. A gorgeous card. I love it. Using gold embossing powder works so well, I must try and remember that rather than always going for black! I remember you making this background. Using a fine tip bottle gives so much more control than just shaking the Brushos etc. straight from the tub. Hopefully the background noise in your hearing aids will do its job of reducing your tinnitus, in a few days you won’t even notice it. That’s the theory anyway isn’t it🤞xx
    Maria, I hope you get your wisdom teeth removal appointment soon xx
    Karen, glad your friend loved your outfit. I bet the time flew by catching up with her xx
    Lilian, what good news about you no longer having a hose pipe ban, just in time to not be needing it anyway!!!!!!! xx
    It is blowing a gale and with lots more rain forecast for today here. What a difference to last weeks beautiful blue skies and sunshine 🙁 Have a good day. Take care love Sue xx

  3. Hello All, very wet and windy here today, also it has gone very cold, having to wear a cardigan most days now.

    Sandra love your card, I have Brushos, but don’t get on with ver well, seem to end up with mud. The gold is a really good idea.

    R has been in London all day, left here at 5-30am to catch the train, will be home around 10pm, so a long day on my own.

    Hope the unpacking is going well Sandra, I was going to sort my room today, but didn’t get around to it.

    Good evening all, Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your card, the brusho background and stamp are beautiful 😍
    Hope you’ll soon get used to your hearing aids 🥰
    A very wet and windy day here today too. I’m back to wearing my cardigan too Lilian - can’t believe last week I was wearing vest tops!
    Have a good evening everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card. Love the brucho background and gold meadow.
    Hope the unpacking goes well.

    Have we got a theme for the CC this week or ?

    Hope you all had a good day but weather has really changed hasn't it, it's gone cold quickly and very wet.
    Take care, many hugs to you all, xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely card, the Brusho background works so well on this card, it’s really beautiful.
    Hope your house is starting to feel like home, it does take time but I’m sure it will all work out soon. xx Do you feel more comfortable with the hearing aid, I’m sure it takes time to get used to.
    It has been a very wet day here today and feels like autumn has arrived, such a change after all the lovely sunny days we have had for quite some time.
    Goodnight everyone, sleep well, Brenda xxx
