
Monday 4 September 2023

Another of Sue's Challenge inspiration cards


Good Monday morning Ladies,

Well I have to confess its very quiet without the girls here!  After dropping them off at the airport yesterday morning,  I waited to check that they boarded okay before trying to sleep, then I kept checking to make sure they got home ok, of course they were fine.  Paul and I were very tired throughout the day so decided to have a lazy day sat by the mobile home reading, it was very relaxing,  I doubt either of us will see the other side of 9pm when we get to bed later. 

Love this card so, the blended Antique linen really highlights the embossing,  love those flowers too, everything looks perfectly balanced.  Thank you so much for inspiring us XXX

Today's card is the second of Sue's Shaped challenge Inspiration cards....

Sue's Description:

"Todays card base is made using Press cut Hexagons then a matt of Kraft card then another of white card. I also used an All and create brick stencil which I embossed over half of the card then lightly inked over it with Distress Oxide antique linen. The flower was inked with DO wild honey. A simple thank you to finish."

Love this card Sue,  the blended Antique linen really highlights the embossing,  love those flowers too, everything looks perfectly balanced.  Thank you so much for inspiring us XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely start to the week, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful card SUE.
    I love the shape and how you have used the colour to one side.

    It's a busy week for me. We are still sorting out the things brought back from Marigny/My foot lady is coming this afternoon and it's K&N tomorrow andwe have to prepare a telephone conversation with the Notair in France.
    My monthly prescription will be delivered this morning so I'd better get a wriggle on.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love your card Sue, it’s beautiful 😍
    Glad you and Paul had a relaxing day and the girls arrived home safely 🥰
    Housework is on the agenda today, then hopefully my mojo will return and I’ll be able to craft.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Beautiful card Sue I love the colour combination - two colours I would never have thought to put together But the work fantastically
    Farnborough show made a lovely change as it had knitting yarns, fabric etc and the make and takes were different to card making too
    I am so glad you had a relaxing day and that the girls got home safely
    Back to work today I wonder how many emails I will have to plough through! Roll on 30th September!

  4. Hello, summer is here at last, lovely clear blue skies and it’s suppose to be hot later, lovely cool breeze at the moment.

    Sue great card love the shading of colours, the flowers really stand out from your background.

    Not planning much today, only had a couple of hours sleep last night due to my knees and back playing up.

    Sandra glad the girls got home safely, and hope you enjoy the last of your stay.
    Have a good day everyone, Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card Sue, love the shape and the colours are great together.
    Glad you had a relaxing day after taking the girls so early to the airport. Yes we have had a gorgeous day here today, think the whole week will be good. Washing outside dried very quickly and then OH cut the grass while I die headed some flowers. Tomorrow we have sister in law here. They service their car here so they coming up around 9.30am and we be going to Frost for lunch.
    Lilian, wishing your pain away,. So wished it was something we could take to make it gone.
    Have a good evening and sleep well everyone. Many hugs to you all, xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Glad to hear the girls are home safe and sound. But not surprised that you and Paul needed a lazy day and early night after the early start. I hope you have good weather without the strong breezes that do spoil sitting on the beach, unless you want a free sand exfoliation!!! xx
    I used a card on Pinterest as inspiration for todays card. I wouldn’t have thought to only dry emboss one side and leave all that white space on the other. When I went take the photo I saw I had a little mark of ink in the middle of the white but couldn’t do anything about it. I will make a repeat one to go in my card stash.
    Lilian, I hope you manage to get a bit more sleep tonight xx
    Sleep well and take care . Love Sue xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sue love your card and the colours you have used, the blending is brilliant. As Sandra said ‘Everything is perfectly balanced’ I totally agree with her. XXX
    Sandra glad the girls arrived home safely, we never give up worrying about them whatever age they are we just need to know that they are safe and well.
    Janet hope your foot lady arrived and your feet are feeling the benefit of the treatment, enjoy your K & K tomorrow.
    Maria enjoy your sister-in-laws visit tomorrow.
    Lilian sorry you are in such pain and discomfort,hope you have a better night tonight.
    Time for bed, wishing you all a great nights rest, sleep well.
    Love Brenda xxx
