
Monday 28 August 2023

Sue & Penny's floral challenge


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

From a wet & windy Pals !  We had one heck of a storm yesterday,  the thunder & lightning woke us at 4.30am and it pretty much continued until 5pm, when we had a break from the rain we walked down to see what effect the storm had on the sea, it did not disappoint, the waves were incredible and despite, us being wrapped in throws and blankets as it was cold people were actually in the Sea, it was incredible watching the windsurfers leaping up in the air and taking advantage of the stormy 🌊 sea!

We spent most of the day inside, apart from that one walk to clear our heads.   Fingers crossed for better weather today! 

Today's card is Sue & Penny's floral challenge card...

Sue's Description:  

I made the poppies then Penny wanted to make a card with them. She said she didnt want any letters on it meaning a sentiment when we talked about what we put on cards!

Sue the poppies look so realistic with all the texture in the petals.  I love Penny's design, the kraft card works so well with the green and red,  using vellum for the vase was a brilliant idea too. 

Thank you so much Sue & Penny, for am amazing Challenge card XXX

Karen the Christmas Sentiment was from Anne Marie Designs last year,  although I believe they still have them.

Janet, I hope all is well with you and Jim as I haven’t seen a comment for a few days, sending hugs your way xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Sandra 😘 I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your Birthday meal tonight πŸ₯³πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‚ xx
    Sue, I love the card you and Penny made together. It’s beautiful, and looks like Penny has a talent for crafting 😊
    Fingers crossed for better weather today for you Sandra 😊
    Hope everyone had a good weekend and have a good day today.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Happy Birthday SANDRA Another year older but are you any wiser 🀣
    Pretty card from Sue and Penny Using vellum was a genius idea
    The birthday celebrations for our soon to be son in law was great but a bit chaotic!
    As it’s a special one our daughter is taking him on a short break to Venice So the boys are staying here - yippee! It’ll be exhausting but so looking forward to it
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Thank you for the sentiment details of your Christmas card

  3. Happy birthday Sandra πŸŽπŸ°πŸ’☕have a lovely day and enjoy the meal tonight πŸ₯°
    Hopefully the weather is better today.
    Gorgeous poppies card Sue and Penny. Great idea to use vellum for the vase.
    Hope you feeling better soon Lilian.
    Janet, hope you both are alright ?
    Brenda, hoping your day be alright.
    Karen,we loved Venice. You have a great time with the boys 😊
    Sonia, have a good day.
    We are going shopping this morning and then it be crafting, fingers crossed for I never know how tired out I be when back home . Have a lovely day everyone and many hugs are being sent to you all xxx


  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. I hope Paul and the girls spoil you today. After a hard year you definitely deserve it. Enjoy your meal tonight my lovely. I would have loved to have seen the sea after the storm. I definitely would not want to go into it but it’s amazing watching those that do. I do hope the weather improves for you though xx
    My poppies, coloured card etc that I had on my desk for my planned challenge card were definitely hi-jacked by Penny but I love watching her craft as it is very clear that she has the same artistic eye as her biggest sister as she knows exactly what and where she wants to achieve when crafting. She wanted the vase to look like the “big funny white one that Mummy has in the window”. Luckily I understood she meant the vase with the etched glass patternπŸ˜„ She choose the vellum straight away when I showed it to her. Drawing is her favourite pastime at the moment and the detail she adds is wonderful.
    Karen, I know just how you will feel after having the boys. Worth every bit of tiredness though aren’t they πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
    No surprise but a quiet day for me today. I hope you all have a good one. Sending hugs. Take care. Love Sue xx

  6. Hello Sandra, and everyone,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDRA, hi, hope you’re having a lovely day so lovely. The girls could be with you as well. Enjoy your meal this evening. XXX
    Sue, you should be so proud of Penny her card is beautiful, she had the vision to see that your poppies would make a lovely card and a brilliant idea to use vellum for the vase. I understand her not wanting to add any sentiment, this card would fit almost any occasion. What a talented young lady she is.
    Karen I’m sure you will love having the boys for a sleepover and that your daughter and SIL enjoy Venice, I loved the time we spent there, so many wonderful things and places to visit (it wasn’t long enough for me)
    Ladies enjoy the rest of this Bank Holiday weekend. Hope the weather stays fine. Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hello, late again.
    Sandra I’m sure you had a lovely birthday, with the family.
    Sue and Penny , love your card, the use of the vellum is genius.
    Hope you all had a good day. Karen enjoy your time with your grandsons.
    Had a try at making a card for the challenge but bits are still on my table, fine it difficult to concentrate these days.
    Hugs to all Lilian
