
Thursday 24 August 2023

Impression in Ink card

 Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

Double fun day today as 1: its Matt's Birthday 🎂 🥳,  and 2: we are picking up the girls from Girona airport early evening,  they are with us for just over a week,  which will be fun!  Paul was instructed to have the paddleboard ready as Soph is wanting to make the most of her week away!  

We had another very warm day yesterday,  it got to 33°, oddly Paul said the sea had reverted back to its original chilliness, so no more warm sea, such a shame as it was so much easier to get into.  We had a good 5 hours at the beach and then came back to mobile and relaxed and read our books etc.  Makibg the most of the peace 🤣😂

Today's card I made using my Impression in Ink stamp set, I emboseed the background piece and stamped the large flower, masked it off then stamped the smaller flower and the leaves.  I used a background stamp to add some interest and then matted the focal piece onto pear pizzazz card and then mounted on the base card with a piece of matching ribbon underneath.  I stamped the sentiment in Pear Pizzazz and added it to the bottom of the card. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi Sandra and all looking in today.
    It’s so good to hear that you and Paul are recharging your batteries together. I hope Sophie and Lucy’s flight goes well. Have a lovely time with them.
    Todays card is a pretty one. I rarely use orange/peach colours but it works perfectly with the green. The ribbon is a pretty addition xx
    Lilian your card yesterday was gorgeous. I love how you used that beautiful stamp. There is nothing you need to change on your cards at all xx
    Karen, sorry to hear your sad news yesterday xx
    Brenda, sorry to hear your sad news. I’m not superstitious either…..much!
    I finally had my Respiratory clinic appointment yesterday and was discharged with no further action needed so good news there. And my sister in law who had breast cancer has her final treatment on Sunday 😄
    I’m crafting today. I told Chris I am going to pretend to be at Sandra’s so I can get on with cards that are needed. At least one will be floral to fit the challenge. Have a good day. Take care. Love Sue xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card, it’s beautiful 😊
    Happy Birthday to Matt, I hope he has a great day 😊 xx
    I’m glad you and Paul are both relaxing, it’ll be lovely to have the girls with you for the week. Enjoy yourselves 🥰
    Brenda, sorry to hear of your sad news yesterday xx
    Maria, I hope you’re ok and starting to feel better xx
    Good news Sue for you and your sister in law xx
    Well, I’ve tried to craft but not had much joy! Isn’t it typical that I’m off work and have all the time to craft and I just can’t get into it! 😩
    I’m going to watch a film instead!
    Hope you’re all having a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA I rarely choose peach colours It’s good to hear you’re relaxing Enjoy your time with the girls
    Happy Birthday Matt
    Great news Sue
    Out dancing tonight Going for a nap now!
    Take care everyone

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Beautiful card love this colour combo. The colours work so well together. Definitely going to be making something similar.
    Happy Birthday Matt hope you are having a great day xxx
    It will be lovely to have the girls join you for a week. I bet they are a real tonic, I’m sure they will be asking Paul to join them for a swim.
    Sue good news the clinic has discharged you. Just look after yourself and keep well. So pleased that you SIL has finished her treatment, I hope and pray she will continue to improve.xx
    I have had an afternoon watching and giving options to other half as he sorted out his wardrobe. He has lost quite a lot of weight over the last few years but still kept holding on to things, the items that are far to big would stock a shop. This was only shirts and casual clothes, dread to think about his other cupboard Suits, Jackets and cardigans in that one!!
    Have a lovely evening.
    Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hello all, very muggy here today, but managed to get all of the guest bedding washed dried and ironed, ready for my daughter who is coming next weekend, can’t wait.

    Sandra glad you are enjoying your hols. Hope Matt has had a great birthday. It will be lovely for you when the girls arrive.
    Your card today is lovely, love those soft colours, I must use them more often.

    Have finished my card for this week, will send pic in tomorrow
    Have a good evening all Lilian

  6. Hi everyone
    Love the colours of the card. Very pretty.
    Good to hear that you have a nice time and for the girls to join you, I'm sure you will have a great week. Hope Matt had a nice birthday.
    Sue, good news around. Take care.
    Brenda and Karen, sorry to hear sad news for you. Sending extra hugs for you.
    Lilian, how lovely for you and R to have daughter coming for the weekend. Have a nice time.
    Cross with myself because nothing worked out as I hoped but sat in the garden this morning in the sunshine we had but couldn't get any crafting done as my body let me down once again. So want to make a card for this week cc so tomorrow it has to be.
    Hope your day was good and you all will have a good night. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx
