
Saturday 26 August 2023

Happy Saturday 😊


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I hope you are all relaxed and ready for the weekend! 

We had a lovely day at the beach yesterday,  it was so lovely to all be in the sea together, we spent about an hour in the sea, we had a good 6 + hours on the ⛱️ beach.  We had to stop off on the way to the airport to buy a new beach umbrella,  our original one has finally broken beyond repair,  Paul spent about 40 minutes looking to see if he could fix it, sadly not, the girls weren't a bit sad however,  the always refer to it as the ,'ugly' umbrella,  we bought it when Becca was a baby, we moved into a brand new married quarter, newly built as so modern, back then Terracotta was 'The' Colour,  so we had a piece of paper (the name evades me) it went where a dedo rail would go half way up the wall. Anyway we bought patio door curtains that matched this paper strip, tablecloth and napkins too and you could buy patio tablecloth and umbrellas to match, so thats what we did.  We never got much use out of the umbrella at home so started bringing it on holiday as its larger than a standard beach parasol so worked perfectly,  wheb i worked out that it was 29 years old, we agreed to 'let it go' !! So we popped to a huge supermarket on route to the airport and bought ine the same size in bright red !!! 🤣😂 mostly because its easy to spot when you are in the sea.  

Lilian very kindly shared her beautiful Clematis with us,  it is so gorgeous,  I love the coliur and those amazing detailed centres, such an interesting feature.  I believe its called Clematis Jackmanii or Clematis Viticella (Botanical name).  

Lilian's Description

The second picture is of a clematis that I have had for years but never flowered before, I don’t suppose by any chance you know which one it is.

You must have been so thrilled to see it flower and for those flowers to be so beautiful.  Sorry the picture is smaller, I zoomed in to look closer and it cropped the photo!  

Thanks again for sharing it my lovely XXX 

Karen & Brenda I am so sorry to hear your sad news,  it doesn't matter how distant the relative etc,  its still always such sad news to hear.  Sending hugs to you both. XXX 

Janet, how are things going with the house,? I fo hope the two of you are getting some relaxation time in between the chaotic days,  sending hugs XXX 

Sending love and hugs to all of you dear friends,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx


  1. The perfect saying for just about all of us!
    Your clematis is beautiful Lilian
    I’m pleased that you’re able to get to the beach and relax You certainly got your moneys worth from your umbrella!
    I actually made a card front yesterday and then realised I’d run out of 8” card blanks! Loads of 7” and 6” but no 8” So a quick visit to Hobbycraft tomorrow morning Off to bowls this afternoon A bit of housework this morning and relax in front of the tele this evening
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all looking in today.
    I loved yesterdays card and the way the green and gold work so well with that great tree sue. It’s gone on my wish list 🤭 I didn’t look in yesterday as I woke up late and didn’t get home until after 9pm after a long day shopping and sitting in traffic queues!
    How lovely for you to have a great time in the sea. Your old brolley certainly gave you a good return fir the money didn’t it. Understand you getting a bright red one. Chris made a really strong extra long windbreak when we only had the boys and choose bright yellow for the same reason as you as it is much easier to see. I find sea mists fascinating. There one minute then with what feels like a blink of your eye they are gone. I hope you get lots more time in the sea my lovely xx
    Lilian, lovely to hear your daughter is going to visit you next weekend xx
    Karen, you have got a busy weekend haven’t you. And I bet you can’t wait to have the boys to stay xx
    Brenda, well done to John on his weight loss, and starting to sort his clothes out. Chris hates buying new clothes so doesn’t have a large wardrobe at all xx
    Maria, enjoy your new diamond picture. What picture have you chosen to do this time? Don’t forget to send a photo to Sandra when you have finished it xx
    Sonia, it’s so good that you get to see your gorgeous Teddy so often xx
    Janet, I hope everything is going as well as possible for you xx
    The girls are arriving about 10am. Don’t know yet what they will want to do but it’s just lovely having them here 🥰🥰🥰
    Have a good day. Sending hugs and please take care. Sue xx

  3. Hello All, very humid here again today, sunny one moment and then it’s raining.

    Sorry I missed yesterday, I thought I had done it, think I wrote it and then something else came up and I forgot all about it. Loved yesterdays card I also have those tree dies, can’t think to do Christmas cards yet.
    Glad you are having a lovely time “frolicking “ in the sea.
    I’ve had a real thankless day today, nothing going right , so I’ve given up for today. Hope you are all well , Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Don't think I have the paper stashing technique sorted. It's everywhere at the moment but will get sorted one day 😊
    Beautiful flowers Lilian, love the colour. I know what you mean 😌 just take it easy and enjoy some TV watching tonight or what you do in the evenings.
    Sandra, not envy or anything 🤭 of course I am. Love going in the sea, beach and sunshine.
    We had some this morning but it been raining all afternoon..
    I hope you have had a nice day whatever you have been doing. Many hugs to you all from me xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Great quote Sandra. I have been trying to use up some of my paper (card) stash and not buy anymore. Sometimes the temptation makes it difficult!!
    Lilian your clematis is beautiful, I’m sure it makes a beautiful display in your garden.
    Sue enjoy your time with your granddaughters I’m sure they will love spending time with you and Chris.xx
    Your new sun parasol sounds lovely. Like you we had a set with matching table cloth etc, ours was white with blue flowers, it was so out dated by the time it was taken to the local dump.
    Hope you made it to the beach again today.
    Take care, Love and Hugs Brenda xxx
