
Tuesday 22 August 2023

Delightful Daisy


Good Morning Ladies, 

We made it to Spain in good time yesterday,  the traffic is quite good most of the time,  the is always tail backs at the border (non visible border now) luckily the tail backs were on the opposite side of the road. 

It was so lovely to see loads of green trees and shrubs as we crossed into Spain, wild fires had swept through huge swathes of countryside and woodland,  you can see the stones that where once a farm houses, which is so sad to see, hopefully they manage to build new farms and continue to make a living.  There are so many fires all over the world, when you see how tinder dry everywhere is its easy to understand how quickly they Spread,  all it takes is one carelessly disguarded cigarette, you see motorists throwing them out of the window all the time over here.  

It's quite shocking to see how many Europeans smoke, our resort is made up of mostly Dutch, followed by German,  French and Spanish and less than ten British families,  while we were at dinner in the restaurant on site last night, we were sat on an outside patio, there was a childrens mini disco on the stage, so loads of young children too, if I said there were 3 hundred people (just a guess)  I would say that 90% were smoking, every table around us had someone smoking at it, so many women smokers too, which really shocked me, from the being a mother aspect as well as the beauty side of things too, I do wonder what the levels of smoking related diseases are compared to uk. 

Today's card is one of my favourites of my recent makes, I really love those Daisy Dies and placing them against that watercolour washed background really made them pop, the twine is a mix of white and silver thread and I cut the foliage in matt silver metallic card too, added a touch of yellow ink to the daisy centres as a finishing touch.  

I hope you like my 1st Flower themed Challenge card.

Sending my love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxx


  1. So pleased that you have arrived in Spain Now you can relax and enjoy the sunshine Does it feel strange not having the girls with you?
    It is quite strange to see people smoke these days and it’s usually vaping nowadays I think there are more restrictions as to where you can smoke in U.K.
    I love your card I must knuckle down and do some card crafting I have about 3 cards to make including an Engagement card before next week
    Take care everyone xxx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card, it’s beautiful 😍
    Glad you arrived safely. Enjoy yourselves and have a lovely, relaxing time ☺️
    I’ve spent the morning clearing out our bedroom, a job I’ve been putting off for ages! It’s nice to see it resemble a bedroom again, instead of a junk room!
    Hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying the lovely weather, fingers crossed it lasts.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello from lovely sunny Cornwall. I think people are coming early this week, being bank holiday weekend. The traffic is non stop all day.

    Love your card, the daisy die is great, especially on the lovely washed blue background.

    Found the drawers in my ikea cabinet, have their bottom panel pushed out , so have been emptying them ready to mend. Surprising what you find when you
    Sorry I missed yesterday, the days seem to slip by me these days.
    Hugs to all, Sandra hope you are enjoying your hols now. Lilian

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Love your daisy card, the blue wash a perfect background for the daisy.
    Pleased you arrived in Spain safely and have ventured into the sea, now you can relax and enjoy your holiday.
    Not done a lot today like Sonia I have turned out a few draws, did a wash, John pegs it out and brings it back in for me, managed to iron the few bits that needed ironing and now it’s all away again.
    Hope you have had a good day.
    Take care and sleep well, love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra. Love the daisy against the blue washed background.
    Glad to hear you are on site and had a good day, even managed to have a dip in the sea, heaven ☺️
    It was a nice day so we did a bit of gardening today and then I sat outside reading for some time.
    Sending hugs to you all and wish you a good night. xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. What a beautiful card. I love it all but especially how well the crisp white daisy contrasts with the lovely blue background. I hope you are both starting to relax today. Smoking is definitely down around here but vapping seems to be on the up. Enjoy yourself my lovely xx
    I had another bits and pieces day with no crafting 😢 I hope you all get some good sleep tonight but it is very humid here! Sending love and take care xx
