
Tuesday 1 August 2023

A girly pink Eclipse card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you as well as possible, I'm just not going to comment on my health today as I'm sure that you are a sick to death of hearing about it!! 

The girls are excited today as they are doing their first ever 'Tip run'  Lucy has been Paul' s moving buddy over the weekend and when we were talking about fitting in a tip run for some bags of clothes etc she wanted to have a go, I don't think she will as excited when she gets there though as it stinks!!   Actually one thing I have noticed while doing so much recycling is there aren't anywhere near as many clothes/shoe banks around, they used to be at every supermarket car park around here but since the Pandemic they have disappeared.

Today's card was made on Friday (ot was it Saturday)!! Either way, I went into my craft room to tidy up and pack a few bits away, however I had watched a YouTube video about doing the Shaving foam technique, instead of using inks or reinkers they used acrylic paints, their results were amazing! So when I saw the Shaving Foam still out on my desk I had to have a go,  well what I can tell you is that it is messy, the acrylic paint sticks to your hands/desk etc more than ink, but the results were worth it,  I shared some on Saturday, today I am using one of the lighter ones, with Pinks and yellows. I deicided that the best way to keep as much of the background as possible on show was to make an Eclipse card.                                                       So I used my Julie Hickey (I think) Birthday die to die cut the 'Eclipse ' part, now a little tip here...I found it easier to die cut the Birthday several times and stack them together than I did to use just one and adding foam pads as it is so fiddly cutting them small enough to hide them from view.  So I cut the one from my background and three more from scraps of white card, adhered them all togther and place the stacked piece back into place on the background that I had adhered to a piece of coordinating pink card, the pinks matched perfectly, which was pure chance.  To finish the look I added the 'Happy' part of the sentiment,  it was a SU stamp, I stamped in VersaMark and added white embossing powder and heat set on a piece of the same pink card.                                                          Now I wasn't keen on this piece of background but I quite like how it turned out, a fun pink girly card!  

I hope that you all have a great day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Love your card, the colours with the shaving foam are perfect for your girly card ☺️
    Hope you’re feeling a bit better today and got some sleep last night.
    Hope the girls enjoy their tip run! 😂 Bless them, it’s good they’re able to help out.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. It’s a lovely card and technique I have had very mixed results with shaving foam So I am going to try acrylic paints
    I am sure other charity shops are the same but I know the British Heart Foundation shops accept clothes to either sell in the shop or sell as rags For example they will accept odd socks to go as rags
    I hope you had a better night
    Take care xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I hope you are feeding a lot better than you have been these last few days. With your house move and holiday being so close you need to be as fit and well as possible. Take care xxx
    Love today’s card the background is really subtle, it makes the sentiment stand out beautifully.
    Hope Lucy enjoys her trip to the tip!!!! I remember when Debbie was small, if John said he was going to the tip she would beg to go with him even though she was not allowed to get out of the car (for safety reasons) it was the highlight of her day! When she was in year 1 at school her teacher called me over to see her diary saying what she had done at the weekend, she had written I went to the tip with my daddy it was very exciting and drew a lovely picture of the car and lots of skips! She didn’t mention any of the treats or fun things we had done as a family over the weekend!
    I’m still taking things easy as my back is still very painful, I have been stretching the painkillers out and only take them when really needed, I don’t want to but may have to request another prescription. The Marsden said the fractures could take a couple of months to heal. I feel like an old lady walking about. OK I know I am, but in my head I still think in about 30ish !!!
    I hope everyone is having a good day, Maria hope you are feeling better today. xx
    Take care and stay safe, Hugs Brenda xxx

  4. Hello, managed to get the washing dry, thank goodness.

    Sandra, do hope you are feeling better today, I know it’s a struggle. Try to get plenty of rest.
    Todays card is very good ,thought your way of doing the message.

    Just finish my ironing, which on second thoughts was a mistake as my back and legs are now aching like mad. Lilian
