
Tuesday 4 July 2023

A masculine Birthday card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you as well as can be expected,  gentle hugs on route to those of you that aren't feeling well 😊 
Well July hasn't got off to the best start weather wise, these strong winds are becoming a bit of a pain, my poor pots are getting battered just as everything is starting to bloom!  
We are having a spot of bother around us travel wise,  a couple of weeks ago one of the main routes coming from Swindon in towards the cotswolds was closed because a car drove into the side of a large bridge over the Thames at Lechlade,  we have been having a lot more traffic as a result,  then to add to the fun there was an announcement stating that our route out of the village had also been cut off because our bridge over the Thames has had to close because a 'Sink Hole' has opened up on it, probably due to the excess traffic!  This is the route that Paul and the girls take to work, the alternative being the via the other bridge thats closed  which won't be repaired until October!   To add to the chaos we have 10's of thousands of people arriving in 2 weeks to attend the Royal International Air Tattoo at Fairford!!  What a Kerfuffle !!! 🤣😂

Janet how was your B12 Injection, I was thinking of you while I was having my 'procedure',  hopefully you will feel the benefit of it soon xxx

Today's card I made to use up a left over piece of the New Horizons dsp, I saw this style of card on Pinterest,  I embossed a piece of card with a Trees Embossing folder,  added an offcut of the Dsp to a black mat and added it to the embossed background, to embellish the card I added a couple of stamped trees and some black gems. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,



  1. Morning everyone
    We also have had high winds and rain over the last few days.

    My visit to the nurse and B12 went OK.
    I have my diary booked for the next four injections booked. Next one tomorrow followed by Friday and then next Monday and the final one Wednesdy. I shall be like a pin cushion when all done and dusted and then everything crossed we might get to France.

    A rest day for me today.
    HUGS on their way to you all.Take care and take care.xxxx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love your card, the design paper is lovely and very versatile.
    The wind seems to have settled here, for now. We are forecast rain though, we had a couple of heavy downpours yesterday too!
    Janet, hope you’re ok and you start feeling better soon xx
    Sandra, hope all went well yesterday for you xx
    Sounds like a nightmare with the road closures! Probably best to hibernate until it’s all open again 😂
    Had a play with some of my new stash yesterday. I’m determined not to put it all away and forget about it ☺️
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Lovely card and could be used for all sorts of occasions
    It’s been exceptionally windy here and cold enough to need a cardigan but still not much rain!
    I hope the roads get sorted and soon Hope to visit the friends we saw Saturday as another couple who couldn’t make it are visiting but work first!
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hello Everyone, wet and cold, no wind today, but my roses took a real bashing yesterday. I’m also back to wearing a cardigan.

    Lovely card, love the embossing folder, had not seen it before, must find my papers like yours, had forgotten all about them.

    Watching Andy Murray at Wimbledon, it’s raining there too, but luckily they have the roof now.

    Been ironing all morning, so when I find the stamp I want to use will start my card.
    Hugs to all, extra big one for Sandra, Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Nice card Sandra.
    What a disaster around your area with the roads.
    It's been raining all afternoon here so good for the plants but it's also cold enough so I'm sitting with my hoodie on again.
    My IBS have had fun since yesterday so felt a bit green all day. Had a good sleep this afternoon on the sofa while the tennis was on.
    Sending hugs to you all 🤗 xxx

  6. Lovely Man card love the colours you have
    It sounds a nightmare trying to get anywhere from your village, let’s hope the bridges get repaired soon.
    We have had rain today so no need to water the garden and a bonus is the water butts will be topping up to. It has felt very much cooler today in fact I’ve been sitting with a small blanket over my lap I felt so cold.
    Janet hope you are feeling better after your injection, take care xx
    Will say night night, take care and stay safe everyone.
    Hugs Brenda xxx
