
Monday 19 June 2023

Pretty White with a pop of silver card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

What a hot and sticky weekend that was, we didn't see much sun though.  As I am writing this we are sat waiting for the forecast storm/heavy rain to hit.

Paul is trying a new trick to try and get rid of the thick moss that grows on our tarmac driveway,  it's mostly under the trees, which maybe causing the problem, anyway he read online that it you sprinkle Biological washing powder over the moss, it is supposed to clear the moss away, not sure how long it will take but he has spread it on a patch in the back garden to see if it works, currently the moss is a good centimetre thick !  I will update you if there is any change. 

Today's card started by me embossing a piece of white card in a Crafters Companion embossing folder that I have had for years and never used, I believe I bought it reduced at a show.  Its called Butterfly Trellis.  After embossing I cut the piece down to fit a 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inch top folding card base with a 1/4 inch border.                                                     I decided to go with the butterfly theme of the card, I have a lovely Sizzix Butterfly die set that has the body of the butterfly as a separate die, so you can change the colour of the body part.  I die cut the butterfly out of a few leaves of vellum, I did spritz them with a shimmer spray but it doesn't show up on camera, I die cut the body out of brushed silver mirror card and adhered to the vellum wings.  I then added a few more butterflies to the background and added a sentiment.  

I hope that today is more comfortable for all of you,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I love your pretty card today, the butterfly is beautiful 😍
    We had rain last night, it wasn’t really heavy and no storms! It did clear the air a bit though.
    Fingers crossed the washing powder works on the moss. The birds sit on our roof and pull all the moss out between the tiles. We then end up with the patio covered in it where they drop it. There’s been a few times we’ve been sat outside and nearly had bits of moss dropped on us!
    Hope you all have a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card Sandra. Love it.
    Hope Paul be lucky to remove the moss.
    The weekend was very humid, the thunder never came and the little rain we had was not enough so if it's not coming today I have to water the garden again. Haven't made many pots this year, looking a bit sad.
    In town this morning but hoping to get some crafting done this afternoon.
    Have a good day everyone, many hugs to you all. xxx

  3. A very pretty card I have John Lockwood butterflies which sound similar to your one
    I need to make 2x wedding cards which MUST be Chelsea orientated and 2 birthday cards which I’m not sure I can do the white on white theme!
    We had a sprinkle of rain yesterday and it’s still very warm
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Beautiful card Sandra, the embossing folder is lovely and you have lifted it to a higher level by adding the delicate butterflies. Hope Paul manages to get rid of the moss, I’ve read that you can get rid of moss by sprinkling soda crystals around the area.
    After a very full day yesterday I didn’t feel like doing very much today so have spent the time quietly - busy doing nothing!!
    Hope you have had a good day, take care Hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Such a pretty delicate card to start the week. Both the card and the butterflies are lovely.

  6. Ooops finger trouble. I hope the bio powder works. We have a pair of black birds who both like to throw the moss onto the group so they can get to the insects too xx
    I’ve been some of the ironing and it was hot!!!
    Sending you all hugs. Take care xx
