
Friday 9 June 2023

Its New Challenge time!!


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

This Friday felt a long time coming, maybe because of the previous Bank Holidays giving us shorter weeks, anyway I'm glad it's here!  We were treated to a lovely sunny day yesterday,  we had a bit of a breeze that got a little stronger towards the end of the day. I am sure Paul said it was supposed to be in the low twenties today. 🌞

Karen's Challenge Idea

It's time for a new challenge and Karen has suggested one for the next two weeks......

The next Challenge will be 'White on White with a 'pop' of colour, I added some cards above that would work this challenge and I will find some more inspiration for tomorrow's blog post. 

I hope that you all have a 'Fabulous' Friday my lovely friends, 

Love & hugs to all of  you,

Sandra xxx


  1. morning everyone
    Thank you KAREN for suggesting our next challenge.
    Ihave to admit I do love white on white.

    Well 'swear' word day has come around though mine will be a shortened version this week as I'm still not up to 'full running' yet.
    I have a GP appointment on Monday (fingers crossed the new tablet is working).
    Mr Tesco is deliverying this afternoon after that feet up time.

    HUGS on their way to you .all. May we please have some of your sunshine as it has been absent this week and our temps have been low.
    Take care and stay safe.
    SANDRA I have an Indisit washer/dryer (new last month replacing my old one which was well into double figures and wouldn't consider another make)

  2. I hope you like the challenge ladies I will try - although crafting time seems to be disappearing very quickly just lately
    We’re out dancing tonight and playing bowls on Sunday So…. hopefully I can fit some in this afternoon or tomorrow
    Take care ladies xx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I know I’ve said it before, but I really love white on white. I think it’s one of my favourites. I remember as a child watching an artist, it was on the television and she was painting roses they were white and white, I felt like it was like an awakening they were so beautiful. Thank you Karen for suggesting it.
    Another bright sunny day here. We certainly are blessed, at the moment It’s 20°. Sorry to read Janet you have not had the same beautiful weather this week. I hope the weather will improve for you soon and you are able to enjoy the weekend.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Great challenge, I love white on white, thank you for suggesting it Karen 😊
    Another lovely sunny day here - Janet I hope the sun comes out for you soon.
    Hope you’re all having a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello all, we have heavy and humid weather today, it’s looked like rain, but not had any yet.
    Like the challenge for next week, not sure what I’ll do , thanks for inspiration with the cards today.
    Do hope your infection is not too bad, if it is that you can get help from your GP.
    Weekend coming up, so I’m hoping to get some crafting done.
    Hugs to you all. Lilian

  6. Hi everyone
    Good idea for the next fourtnight, thanks Karen for choosing it.
    I like white on white cards so will see what I can do.
    Had a busy day so no crafting done today, maybe tomorrow is the day .
    Wishing anyone not alright at the moment to get better soon, take care.Many hugs to you all, Maria xx
