
Monday 26 June 2023

A simple Christmas card for this weeks Challenge


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

What a wonderful warm weekend,  we didn't really acheive much, Paul mowed lawns and weeded, so maybe I should rephrase that comment to 'I' didn't really acheive much!  I did offer my supervisory services of course, not that they were required but it made me feel like I was involved 🤣😂, that husband of mine has the patience of a saint !!! 

We had to pop out and pick up my new office chair, I tried a lot of different styles in Ikea but the didn't seem to be long enough in the seat, I like the back of my knees supporting,  its one of the areas that I have a lot of pain, the area where my femur snapped is too painful to touch even today almost 15 years on!  I found one on Argos that was similar size to my current one, its a Habitat chair.  My old chair had started 'going down' of its own accord, I would be sat crafting and all of a sudden off I went on a slow decent, the problem with that is I cannot get up from low down chair without a struggle, it also put my knees above my hips which often results in my hip popping out!  It was funny to watch as 'mid heat embossing ' I would slowly descend.  So after I had ordered the chair Paul came and asked me if I knew where his 'Alan Key' set was, I pointed him in the direction of the car, he found them and next thing I knew he had my chair upside down attempting to fix it !!! Why wait until I bought a new one??!!  I have asked so many times and even had the thing upside down myself, the problem is the release handle that raises and lowers your seat, you should be able to push the handle in and lock it in place.  Anyway he thinks he's fixed it even though he couldn't get into the workings, it won't be fixed it temporarily stays put for a few hours and then down we go again.  Anyway to finish off this long winded tale, my new chair is in position and my old one is going to Lucy's room, she has been using Sophie's art desk chair! So everyone wins, most importantly I feel like the Boss in my shiny new chair!!! 🤣😂

Today's challenge card:  I used a piece of a background that I made a couple of weeks ago when I was trying the tissue technique, after adding the ink you take a piece of paper/card to smoosh the colours together, this is the piece I used this background for...

I used a few different shades including a spray that had Mica in, which has added a lovely sparkle. I stamped my sentiment onto my card base then trimmed a piece of the background down and placed it onto my card base and then added an assortment of Snowflakes and to finish added some sparkles to the centres. I finished the card yesterday,  which is exactly 6 months to Christmas day!! 

I hope that you all have a great start to the week, 

Sending my love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Lovely card to start the week.

    It was a really hot day yesterday and most uncomfortable however we tried to get cool.

    It's blood results today so hopefully all will be well and I can get a rest from needles etc.

    Hugs on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Lovely Christmas card Sandra I must get out some of the backgrounds I have made and use them
    The weekend was great although we had a few niggles like in the ballroom the tables were very close together and cramped seating Even OH said he enjoyed it and that is a first to actually admit he did!
    Off work today and boy is it still hot! Playing havoc with my diabetes control
    Enjoy your new chair Sandra
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A beautiful x-mas card Sandra. I love the blue paper background
    you have used. Oh I have the same problem with the chair that Son left for me. Maybe it is my weight, don't know.
    The heat today have given me a bit of a headache so not doing much this afternoon. We have been to 2 garden centres this morning looking for something to stop Cats or Fox to doing their business on our new white stones around the front of the house. We have tried with Vinegar but no luck so not sure what else we could use. Years ago we used Lion poo so will have a look on line. Anyone know what else we could use ??
    Have a nice day and many hugs to you all ! Maria xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your card today 😍 The background and snowflakes are beautiful.
    We had a torrential downpour last night at about 8pm and it seems to have cleared the air. Not so hot today and quite breezy.
    James and I have not long been home after a visit to Dorset to see Teddy and Mollie 😍 He’s such a cutie and I enjoyed lots of cuddles.
    Janet, hope the blood test results are ok, and you’re keeping well.
    Karen, glad you and your other half had a lovely weekend.
    Maria, I’ve heard orange peel (or any citrus peel) can deter cats.
    Sandra, hope the new chair is ok.
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Yesterdays challenge cards were all beautiful. I must admit I had a few quiet tears when I ruined my stepper card on Saturday. Usually I just swear and launch it into the bin 🤭
    It is much cooler here today and still breezy. Washing dried very quickly.
    I’m hoping to start and maybe even finish a challenge card after doing the ironing in the morning.
    Sonia, lovely that you and James got some very special cuddles yesterday 🥰xx
    Karen, glad you and OH had a good time xx
    Enjoy the cooler night ladies. Sending hugs. Take care xx

  6. Lovely Christmas card Sandra the background colour is perfect for the silver snowflake. Love it.
    Had a day resting, I did venture up the garden late afternoon but it was so painful walking, I’ve been taking painkillers and rubbing my side with analgesic ointment. Hope tomorrow will be better. I’m going for a PET Scan on Wednesday so I’ll have to be mobile 🤞
    Hope you are all doing well xx
    Take care and stay safe, love Brenda xxx

  7. Evening all, windy here today, but still quite hot.

    Loved todays card, the background colour is perfect.
    Goodnight all Lilian
