
Monday 29 May 2023

Some more Clean & Simple Inspiration


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

We didn't have as Sunny a day yesterday,  definitely a little more breezy too, but still nice enough to eat outside, we did a bit of a move round yesterday afternoon and moved our patio table to the patil area by our back door, we don't use it where it is as it seems to far to carry everything and then taking it all back.  Its a small area too, whereas the patio outside the back door is a lot more spacious,  we moved all of the recycling boxes too which made even more room.  So hopefully the experiment works and we get to eat outside more.

I thought I would share some more inspiration for this weeks challenge to give you all some more ideas.  Sometimes it just takes seeing one particular think that gets your 'mojo' kicked into action.  The top ones are mine the last three Sonia shared when I was talking about this idea for a challenge last week.   I can't wait to see what you all decide to create.  I am hoping it won't be as challenging as 'Fun Folds'. 😄😘

We didn't end up going anywhere yesterday as I felt like a zombie, I had my 3rd night without sleep so wasn't feeling up to thinking about going anywhere.  We had an M&S Dine in for £12 meal as it was just the two of us, we had a paella style dish and Paul chose Sticky toffee pudding that we had last time as it was so delicious.  But my goodness did I get heartburn, so intense it was awful, the burning would not let up, so despite being fully propped up in bed I couldn't get comfortable,  I don't think the but of gardening helped either!  Let's just say i did a 600 piece puzzle on my tablet to try and distract my mind from heartburn and I treated the most incredible dawn chorus at around 4.15am!!  I think I may of nodded off around 6ish but woke to the sound and aroma of the girls morning coffee!  I am afraid my body is going to turn this into  habit or routine,  so I need to do a reset.  We don't have tv in our room,  if I go to bed earlier I will turn off any devices a good hour before I want to sleep too.  Which isn't helping to be honest.  So let's see what tonight brings.

I hope that you all have a lovely Holiday Monday,

Love & Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    It was much cooler and not a sign of the sun all day yesterday. Such a big difference from Saturday. Waiting to see what Mother Nature gives us today.

    We have nothing planned and I'm determined to get into my craft room even if it's only to do a little tidying up.

    HUGS on their way to you all.Have a good day whatever you have planned. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. Great ideas for thi week’s challenge
    I had a play in my craft too and both attempts ended in the bin I’ve thrown it away now but was using CS Lustre embossing powder and however much I used an anti static bag it left a film on the card AND burned really quickly!
    I hope you get some better rest tonight
    Not sure what our plans are for today I doubt we’ll go far if at all OH fell asleep on the train coming home and rather than get a taxi he walked from the next station home and is now feeling the effects!
    Take care everyone xxxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your inspiring cards, thank you for sharing mine too 😊
    I hope you managed to get a better nights sleep. Shame the lovely meal kept you awake 😕 I ended up sleeping on the sofa last night, as I woke with a coughing fit. I decided to get up at 3am and after a hot drink settled on the sofa, and then woke up just before 8am. I just can’t seem to shift this cold 😔
    We had lovely sunshine here yesterday, although rather breezy. It’s cloudier this morning, but I think the forecast is meant to be good.
    Nothing planned for today so will be a quiet one.
    Hope you all have a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Don't think I will get the time to make an cc for this week. Always before we go somewhere we clean the house and I have the packing to do too.
    Sorry to hear that your sleep is no good. Hoping you can sort it out
    I at the moment can't stay awake, guess the allnighters are catching up.
    Hope you all have a nice day.
    Leaving for airport at three am in the morning, I'll catch up with you when I can. Sending many hugs to you all. xx

  5. Hello all, another lovely sunny day, with a chilly wind. Washed my mattress cover today , so am catching up with the spring jobs.

    Lovely lot of inspiration today, hopefully I start tomorrow morning before the tennis starts.

    I’m sorry you’re not getting much sleep Sandra, I’m always up between 1,30 am and 3.30, before I manage to get any sleep. Must admit I usually put a film on using Amazon Prime, one I’ve seen before, then when I start nodding off I go to bed. My other treat is a pk of low salt crisps.

    Hope you all have a pleasant evening, Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. I have enjoyed looking at all of your beautiful cards over the last couple of days. I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight my lovely. Sorry I didn’t join in the challenge again but 🤞I can this week. Love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    So much inspiration for the next challenge, Sandra you are a star sharing all of these amazing cards. Thank you so much xxx
    I hope you are able to get a good nights sleep tonight, I still if I’m having difficulty getting to sleep do my breathing exercises. I clear my head of all of the days events then I focus on breathing in and out quietly saying the words in my head, it works as long as I concentrate.
    Take care everyone, hope you have a good week.
    Love Brenda xxx
