
Tuesday 2 May 2023

An alternative Silhouette card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend,  we started the day a little grey and overcast, then when we were up the garden we had a little rain shower, but as the afternoon went on we had glorious warm sunshine for the rest of the day.  We now have more seedlings than space to put them, we really miss the summer house, the greenhouse is big but has more glass missing than it has in it, so is pointless,  we asked if he could replace the glass but the chap that came out condemned the greenhouse, so no new glass, the soil in it hasn't been improved or enriched since it was built, its like dust!  We had one of those plastic seed house things so we have that full, maybe get another of those as they pack away after season is done. 

Today's card is an alternative version of yesterday's card ...

I can't decide which one I like the best, I think the gold makes it look a little bit more 'Special'  buy then I do love a traditional silhouette,  having the striking matt black against the soft pinks and oranges. 😍                                                                         I will also say how pleased I was with the blend of the two inks on todays version,  I don't usually blow my own trumpet but that is a smooth,  seemless blend in my eyes!  Also they are StampinUp Inks not Distress Inks or Oxides,  which makes it even more of a win!  

Which do you prefer,  Black or Gold ??

All back to normal today, which is always a bit sad after a lovely long weekend but I need to get to my desk and get crafting, so that's where you'll find me.

Have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I love your card today 😍 The blending on both cards is fantastic and so smooth. I can’t decide between the two, they are both beautiful ☺️
    Back to work today, although I was only off yesterday, but I’m not working next weekend, so looking forward to that.
    I made a start on a card yesterday, fortunately I’d saved it to my camera roll as wasn’t able to access Pinterest properly! Hopefully the problem will be resolved soon.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Like Sonia I love both cards and can’t decide between the two The gold makes it look very different but the black is very striking Both blends in my eyes are seamless
    We had a lovely day at my SIL’s yesterday and came home with a lovely fold up bed for Charlie when the boys sleep over It’s a proper bed not a camp bed So it’s saved us a bit of money and is perfect for the job
    Back at work today Probably got a mountain of emails to sift through
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Good morning everyone
    I love both of them but for me is the black one. Love the colours.
    Rain hanging in the air so just going to town this morning and hopefully I feel up to start on a card for this week's CC this afternoon.
    Have a good day everyone, take care of sore backs etc and Sue, hope your OH is better. Many hugs are being sent to you all. Maria xxx

  4. Hello, early for me, we are waiting for our new summerhouse, supposed to be here the first week in May, but have not heard from them yet. It’s a beautiful day blue skies and sunshine.
    Love your second card, the blending is perfect. Think I like the black best, I’m a traditionalist.

    Pinterest still not working correctly, so will have to go from a picture.
    Have a good day all, Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    Love both of these cards, but if I have to choose a favourite one it’s the second. Your background blending is amazing. xx
    Had a bit of a potter in the garden this afternoon, but soon got tired so have given up for today. Most garden jobs can be left for another day. Well the ones I had planned can!
    Have a lovely evening everyone.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Another beautiful card but must admit the traditional black is my favourite. Both cards have fantastic blended backgrounds. I’ve never tried to blend Stampin up inks so will have a go to see if they are easier than DO’s. Glad you got some more time in the garden. Such a shame your landlord won’t replace anything. Surely he is the one that benefits in the long run! Xx
    Brenda, glad you were able to sit out and enjoy your garden. Any jobs can always wait until tomorrow. That’s what I try tell myself about the housework too 🤣🤣xx
    Karen, no doubt Charlie will love his new bed when he sleeps at yours xx
    Chris is starting to feel better thank goodness. I had another lazy day and feel much better for it. Off to get my hair cut tomorrow 😁
    Sleep well everyone. Take care xx
