
Monday 8 May 2023

A Simple Thanks

Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all made the most of the glorious sunshine yesterday,  I didn't know if it was just around here but Michele messaged me and said that she was enjoying relaxing and reading after a bit of gardening,  so hopefully that means it was lovely for Karen too. Not such a great forecast for today sadly.  One thing that has taken full advantage of the rain and sunshine is the weeds, I was shocked when I saw our border under the lounge window as we were waving Matt & Alex off yesterday, I only weeded it a couple of weeks ago!  We are still paying the price of scattering a packet of wild flower seeds for bees and butterflies,  lets just say that most of those "Wildflowers" were weeds!  You certainly get your moneys worth though! 

I hadn't prepared a card for today, so after popping to the shop yesterday afternoon I went and had a browse on my Pinterest boards and went for butterflies as my theme.  I have quite a few butterfly cards across my different boards and this card is a combination of a couple of them.

I used my 'A Touch of Ink' stamp from SU, which I haven’t used in ages, thats the problem with putting them on shelves,  you forget you have them!        Anyway I digress....I took the butterfly and stamped it three times across my card front using Versafine Clair ink, instead of using the second part of the stamp that adds the colour I decided to use my Chromatek Pens to watercolour the butterflies,  I didn't use watercolour card though so I was a bit limited to how much blending I could do, they look ok though.  Pink frog card is quite good and will take a bit of water.  The card was still wet when I photographed it though.

I added a simple 'Thanks' that took me longer to choose than it did to make the whole card!  I wanted something 'scripty but sketchy ' to go with the style of the butterflies. 

I hope that you all have a lovely Monday, 

Love & hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I love your card, it’s beautiful 😍 The sentiment goes perfectly with the butterflies 😊
    We had a lovely warm day with sunshine here too yesterday, although it did take a while for the sun to come through. We have rain forecast for today!
    Mark and I are going out for afternoon tea today, I have another voucher, this time for Patisserie Valerie 😊 We we’re planning on going yesterday but due to his flight being delayed and being so late home, we just had a lazy day.
    I hope you’re all enjoying the bank holiday weekend, have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. I have this stamp set and must look it out! Your card is so pretty
    We did have glorious weather yesterday Today is living up to the forecast - rain , rain and more rain! Just finishing the rest of the packing and then off to the station
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi, it’s raining here today as well, we didn’t have much sun yesterday, just the odd snatches.

    Love todays card, just goes to show how great clean and simple can be.

    Not much on today, still have to finish sorting my papers, at the moment my desk is covered with left over bits.

    Have a good bank holiday everyone, Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra and I love the Thanks. where is that from ?
    It's raining here today but had to run out quickly to Bon Marche this morning as a parcel I had ordered on line had come in. Had a facetime with my parents. Dad need an operation for his heart and mum has gone blind on her left eye, even after years of drops to try to take the pressure down. There is glaucoma in the family .
    OH is watching a football match on the tv and I'm doing a crystal art, it will keep us out of trouble for a while hihi
    Hope you all have a good bank holiday. Sending many hugs to you all , Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love today’s card it’s so clean and fresh, the sentiment is a lovely, is it a Stampinup stamp?
    Had a day pottering about, planted on a few mor tomato plants, if they all survive I could set up my own market stall. Good job the girls are happy to take a few when they come over.
    Hope you have all had a good day, shame about the weather though.
    Hugs Brenda xxx
