
Wednesday 31 May 2023

A simple Flowering Fields card


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

We had sun yesterday but it was nowhere near as warm as it has been over weekend,  it was very windy too, it got two loads of washing dry in no time!  
Well hallelujah, I got some sleep, thank heavens, it was 8.25am when I woke as Soph came in to say goodbye as she left for work, Paul usually brings me a cup of tea when he gets up but he said he wanted to leave me to sleep!  He did ask if I heard the B1 Bombers taking off from Raf Fairford at 5am but unusually I didn't.  They have recently arrived back at Fairford, they are preparing to get the American Air Force base back up and runningfu time by next year, so there is a lot going around the camp, its literally across the river, at 5pm every day we are treated to a Bugler playing both our National Anthem and the Americans too.  

Todays card was one I saved on Pinterest from a blog called Crafty Place I believe.  I stamped the 3 flowers from the Flowering Fields stamp set in clear ink, added gold embossing powder and heat set. I then used Shaded Lilac, Picked Raspberry & Mowed Lawn Distress Inks to water colour the flowers and stems.  I die cut them and added them to my card made with linen effect card, I love that added bit of texture. A simple Happy Birthday stamped and embossed in gold finishes the card. 

I hope you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi Sandra and all looking in. A beautiful clean & simple card to start the week. I don’t remember seeing this style before but it is very effective. I’m glad you did get some sleep my lovely xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all. Take care. Love Sue xx

  2. morning everyone
    A beautiful card this morning. So simple with a real touch of class.
    I managed to get to K&N yesterday. I was lovely to see everyone and catch up on all the gossip with a little crafting added. I must admit I was shattered when I got home so I have to empty my bag this morning and then do my Tesco order for delivery on Friday.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Beautiful card SANDRA I love CAS cards I am so glad you managed to get some sleep
    It looks like we have had rain overnight We are on grandparent duty today We’re (well OH coz I’m working this morning) looking after Oscar this am and both of them this evening
    Glad you made it to K&N Janet Although tiring it’s lovely to get out isn’t it
    Take cake everyone xx

  4. Hi everyone
    From a sunny Majorca up to one o'clock at least when the rain and thunder I coming back.
    Yes, I love the card from our Sandra and will treasure it forever ❤️
    Today's card is lovely , nice layout.
    Sending healing hugs for our Lilian. Take care.
    Glad you got to K & N Janet, good to see you back in the café. Always gets a bit messy when you are not here and keeping an eye on things 😊
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are up to today.. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I love your CAS card Sandra it so fresh and beautiful.
    Pleased you managed to get some sleep at last, your poor body must have been exhausted even with all that noise outside you slept through and didn’t wake up. I hope you felt bright and refreshed and ready to take whatever life brings your way.
    Janet pleased you were able to get to your K & N group. xx
    Karen enjoy your time with the boys, I bet they love coming to spend time with you both. xx
    Sue hope you are feeling better, take care xx
    Maria lovely to see you, hope you’re enjoying your time in Majorca.
    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card today, I love it 😍 I think I have that one saved on Pinterest too ☺️
    Glad you got some sleep, fingers crossed for plenty more xx
    Janet, glad you got to K&N, hope you’re ok and have a rest this afternoon.
    Karen, enjoy looking after the little ones, hope it’s not too tiring 😉
    Maria, I hope you’re having a lovely time, wish we were all there with you 😎
    Brenda, hope you’re ok and taking it easy.
    Sue, hope you ok too and feeling better
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hi , from a very hot and sunny Cornwall.

    Sandra another lovely card today, so neat and lined up beautifully.

    I’ve had to spend the day searching my room for a piece of jigsaw, didn’t realise I’d lost until I’d finished, searched every, in the end tipped my bin out, no puzzle piece. Had to pull out my chest of drawers to find it. How it got there I have no idea.
    One good thing , while I was searching came across one of my boxes of punches, so guess what I’ll be using for this weeks card.

    Hope you are all ok, I feel quite lazy compared with you all. Lilian
