
Friday 5 May 2023

A card for HRH


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

These Fridays seem to come round quicker every week,  I guess it was the short week that made it seem so short.  A much cooler day here yesterday with rain every now and then, we have still managed to keep our heating off so far.  

I was playing with me Mandala stamp yesterday afternoon,  stamping on different colours and I thought that the Gold on Navy blue looked quite Regal, so I thought I'd turn it into a 'Card fit for a King' 🤣😂   Just a bit of fun for a Friday.  

Did any of you watch HRH on The Repair Shop on Wednesday evening,  I thought he came across really well and I love his dedication to youngsters, I really agree with him that we need to bring back Apprenticeships for those that would prefer a trade or would rather not go to university. It was lovely to see the old traditional craftsmanship trades still being taught, you could see his enthusiasm.  I will say that I dont approve of all his choices but probably the less said about that the better! 

I hope that you all have a Fantastic Friday,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. That mandala stamp is beautiful and stamped in gold on the navy looks very regal Which navy card is it? I have Imperial Blue by Phill Martin and it looks a lot lot darker (a bit too dark in my opinion)
    Was the Repair Shop one a repeat - if so I had seen it before and enjoyed it
    We’re off to Blackpool this afternoon for a Salsa weekender I am determined to go and see the Tower ballroom this time around
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Just to say we are on train to Blackpool and I have left my phone at home 😢
    Sounding an old phone of OH Won’t be able to access Messenger etc xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    A beautiful, regal card today. I love the gold on the blue, it’s stunning 😍
    Karen, have a lovely time in Blackpool and enjoy the dancing xx
    This week seems to have been a long one, so I’m happy to have a few days off to relax. I will be watching the Coronation tomorrow and then looking forward to Mark coming home, although I’ll probably be in bed when he gets back so won’t see him until Sunday.
    Have a good rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    Your bits card on Wednesday was lovely and so pretty. Such a good way to use all of those bits that otherwise get crumpled in an overfull “bits” box then thrown away!
    Both yesterdays and todays cards are gorgeous, so different in colour and feel showing how a stamp can look so different.
    Both Chris and I have been unwell with one thing or another on and off over the last couple of weeks but we both feel much better today thankfully.
    I hope the weather is good in London if not everywhere else as so much time and effort go into these special events. Have s as good day whatever you fo. Take care xx

  5. afternoon everyone
    Sorry I'm late today.The last few days have been somewhat difficult my body not behaving. I may be absent for a few days hoping I'll settle down.
    HUGS to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a beautiful regal piece of art you have created for HRH Sandra I love today’s card. xx
    Had my over 75s Covid booster today, hoping it will help to keep me free from the latest outbreak. Daughter has had five of her teachers off with this latest outbreak. It seems to be hanging on longer than I expected.
    Hope your day has been good.
    Enjoy your weekend. Tomorrow I have booked my front row seat to watch the coronation on the Television. I’m sure it will be a spectator event.
    Take care everyone.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Hi, a fabulous card. The gold and dark blue goes fantastic together.
    Yes for bringing back apprenticeship.
    Sorry being late. Hope your day was fine and that you all have a good night 😴. Many hugs xx
