
Sunday 30 April 2023

Your New Technique Projects


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

Well we were so blessed with the weather yesterday,  we managed to get out in the garden and get some jobs done, it was a lovely warm sunny day,  the car showed 19° when we popped out for compost and a Mcflurry!!! 

I have really enjoyed the New or Favourite Technique challenge, it has tested my brain some days but it has been fun trying new things. I think that rediscovering my love for Distress Inks has been a highlight, so was the credit card background technique.  I can myself using a few of them over and over. 

Let's have a look what you have been doing.....

Your New Technique projects 


Maria's Description:

I tried my hand on the floating frame technique that you 
made during the week. Hope they are okay.

Maria, are you kidding me?  These are absolutely stunning examples,  your first one is beautiful and has such a pretty, delicate pattern,  I really love the border down the side too, you could tie a pretty ribbon around that to make it extra special.                                               Your second card, that die you have used is perfect for this technique,  can I ask which die you used please?  That paper is so pretty too.                                                   I can't explain why but it really does warm my heart when I see that I have inspired you to do a technique, or taught you something you didn't know, I will be honest and say that I had tears in my eye's when I saw your cards,  seeing that You had felt confident in having a go because you had seen me use the technique.                   So thank you Maria for making me feel good it was a really uplifting.  To think you did it while feeling so unwell too. 😍🥰😘 Thank you my lovely and I hope you feel better soon XXX 


Karen's Description:

CARD 1: Here’s a card for tomorrow I used texture paste - indigo Blu Slap it on and Pixie Powders Simple Phill Martin sentiment stamped and heat embossed onto vellum I wanted to see the effect of the card through the vellum Hard to capture the iridescence 

CARD 2:  2nd piece to turn into another project was cleaning the stencil (this weeks card) 

Despite this weeks card being the second image of the first card it is equally as lovely,  those colours epitomise Sunshine!  The orange card that you have used compliments the colours perfectly.                                     Thank you so much for supporting the challenge despite having your legs worn out while on Grandparent duties XXX

Sonia's Description:

Project 1:  

These are Backgrounds I created using my new sprays & Stencils
I used Lavinia Stencils, the smaller one with Pixie Powders, and the larger with Mystical Mica Sprays.

Project 2: card made using one of backgrounds..

Used Mystical Mica Sprays through a Lavinia stencil. The Tim Holtz butterflies are cut from water colour card sprayed with the mica sprays and backed with vellum. The sentiments are from The Stamp Market

Project 3:

Thrinchies,  The technique I used was scrunching up tissue paper, flattening it out and then inking over the top. I used for the backgrounds on my Thrinchies.

Wow Sonia those Mystical Sprays are amazing,  I love the colours, those backgrounds will be so versatile to have on standby for a quick card, I found looking up cards with spritzed or inky backgrounds on Pinterest gives some great inspiration.

The card you made using that background above is absolutely incredible,  it shows the background off really well,  like you have highlighted the best part, the colours are stunning,  the card is of course finished perfectly with 'Sonia's signature Butterflies'

Your Thrinchies are amazing and the backgrounds you have created for them have so much texture, working with tissue paper can be tricky.   A great idea though for any Tissue paper you have thats gotten a bit screwed up in your drawer,  you now have an idea for using it rather than binning it.  I love the idea of using up little bits of die cut background pieces on your Thinchies too, get your off cuts or bit boxes out and play.
You have given us lots of inspiration Sonia, thank you so much for supporting the blog challenge despite a busy week at work my lovely XXX 


My lovely Friends,   thank you so, so much for taking part and supporting the challenge each week.  

I have to say I have been thinking about whether to continue with Blog,  I absolutely love my blog, it has been a real lifeline for me as most of you my dear friends know, as I said in Maria's Description, seeing your creativity on a Sunday makes everything I do for the blog so worthwhile, knowing that you have inspired someone to create something they otherwise wouldn't have tried is just so rewarding.  

I hope that you all have a Super Sunday,  

Love & hugs to all of you,



  1. morning everyone
    Love all of your beautiful cards over the last couple of weeks. So many different techniques and combinations of colours and patterns.

    I'm sorry that I haven't managed to get back to crafting I just wish that my body would settle down and allow me to get back to doing what I love. I know it will but it's so frustrating.

    Anyway have a good Sunday whatever you all have planned. HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safexxxx

  2. These are all wonderful creations I will certainly be trying a few out Mine was a very old technique that I hadn’t done in ages and I’ve never used the paste/PP’s left on the stencil to make another “print” I have a few bits of crumpled tissue paper! I have a couple of dies where the floating technique would work too
    The meal out to the Thai restaurant was lovely Lots of laughs and chatter too
    Today is our first bowls match which as I don’t feel I’m very good is making me feel a bit nervous but the fresh air and walking will do me good
    I love visiting your blog, it keeps me buoyed when I’m feeling low I know it’s a lot of work for you especially trying to create something new every day What about posting 4 days a week instead of 7 to give yourself a bit of a break?
    Take care everyone xxx

  3. Hello. Dry at the moment.

    Firstly I would like echo what Karen has said about the blog, it’s the first thing I do in the morning, it gets me out of bed, when otherwise I would mope about feeling low. I hope you realise how much the blog means to me, but I do understand what a lot of work you put into the blog.

    Todays cards are all a great example of new techniques. Again all so different. I have some ironing to do, then I will look through my saved cards on Pinterest.

    Have a lovely weekend , Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    I love today’s display of beautiful creations, they are fabulous 😍
    Not so warm today, but still dry…..for now! Looks like we might get some rain.
    Glad you got some gardening jobs done, and I hope you enjoyed your McFlurry ☺️
    Karen, hope the bowls goes well and you enjoy it.
    Maria, hope you’re feeling better soon, take it easy.
    Sandra, we all love you and your blog ❤️ Please do what’s best for you, it’s hard work and can be time consuming, so don’t feel pressured to post everyday 🥰🥰
    I hope everyone is having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards and lovely techniques. It was fun trying something new. Sadly haven't got the name for the die but probably bought from Wish or so.
    How did you attache your die cut on the first one, I found it a bit fiddly ?
    Love your background Sonia, beautiful card and Karen the pixie powder colours are lovely together.
    I hope you all have a good day. I have slept most of it away. Yesterday was such a nice day, why could it not stay.
    Many hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Sandra I echo what the other ladies have said, this blog is a lifeline to me, and the first thing I do when I get out of bed is go to my iPad and check out your blog. But you must be honest and fair to yourself, this blog is firstly about YOU and secondly a bonus to those of us who stop by. THANK YOU for all the inspiration and effort you put into making this my favourite place to visit. xx
    Been potting around the garden for a while today, nothing strenuous just the odd weed here and there, then a sit down in the sun until I think of another thing to check. It was lovely, everything looks so much brighter when the sun is shining.
    Time to get the oven on we are having chicken, can’t remember the last time we had chicken, I thought it would be a nice change.
    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. Beautiful challenge cards from you all. I want to try several techniques and will do over the next couple of weeks tying them in with using some of my Pinterest pins. I haven’t been near my desk over the last 10 days, either been out or in bed! I hope you realise how much pleasure your blog brings to so many of us. I may be hit and miss at the moment but I still would be lost without your inspirational and caring blog my lovely xx
    I’m glad you got to garden and managed to get your Crème egg McFlurry. I tried that one a few weeks ago. The Crunchie one was my all time favourite until they stopped it 😢 I hope the weather is kind tomorrow so you can get out in the garden again or are you off out somewhere nice? Xx
    I hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow. Ww will have a quiet day as Chris is still not feeling very well at all. Sleep well everyone. Take care xx
