
Monday 3 April 2023

The first of my 'Cards that would work for men'


Good Morning Ladies, 

Well here we are in the first week of April,  we had a beautiful Spring day yesterday, Paul spent most of the afternoon out in the garden, I needed to sort out my craft room, my marathon card making session on Thursday, making the card above, I spent 6+ hours on it,  I had to get so many different dies out to make the panels work in the space. I cut so many different sizes to make it work.  Then finding all the little bits to decorate each panel, anyway this was the aftermath.....

So I had my work cut out yesterday, the floor looked just as bad, there were 'craftalanches" either side of me too!  It turned into a full on reorganise!! 

What did you all get up to?

Karen I hope that you are feeling better my lovely xxx

Brenda I hope you are ok, thanking of you xxx

So onto the card, Lucy asked me to make a card for Flynn's mum's partner.  It was his 60th birthday on Friday.  As always I stressed and over thought it, I spent too long on Pinterest,  Sue was here and she was in exactly thr same dilemma,  she needed a card for Chris's 60th Birthday (yesterday). We perused Pinterest over lunch,  I shared a card that I liked, she loved it and chose that design,  (it wasn't right for my card) so i carried on looking,  and founda card similar lay out to this one, I think they had a die that cut the whole card front, panels and all.  After digging out every rectangle die I had,  I finally decided on a configuration and set to building the card, I created tiny borders, personalised the card with name,  year of birth etc. I was one rectangle away from completion and hit and a total blank. Around 9pm I decided to create a 'gift ' so cut a piece of patterned paper then trimmed down a narrow border to create the box top and then trimmed a bow off a a bigger parcel die.  I think it worked out ok. I was so relieved when I finished it, my body hurt from head to toe!! 

I hope that you all have a lovely start to the week,

Janet I have my finger's crossed that you get an appointment XXX 

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                        xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    A fabulous card today. I’m sure it was greatly received 😊
    I feel your pain and frustration. I’ve been in that situation many times, when seeing a card on Pinterest and trying to recreate it. I never have exactly the right things, and what should have been a fairly straightforward card, ends up taking hours!
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Your card is lovely I honestly thought you had used a “shadow box” die to create it
    I feel a lot better after Saturday’s debacle I have a chest infection now The Out of Hours service was marvellous I’m OK I hope you are too Brenda xx
    I won’t be doing much after work I will definitely be resting
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    I like this card and so much time has taken to plan ,cut and put together so hope he liked it.
    Hoping your day have been alright whatever you have been up to.
    I have slept the day away after suffering with ibs since last night. Trying to drink more but finding it hard to do.
    Take care everyone. Many hugs xx

  4. Hi, dry but still very cold.

    Sandra great card, so much work, I don’t think I could have cut all those rectangles.

    Not achieved much today, been suffering from back and legs again. Hope to see if I can find some ideas tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a good night. Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love the man card you made, I’m sure Lucy was delighted with it and proud to give it to Flynn's mothers partner.
    Sounds like you were really good sorting out your crafting mess. Unlike me I keep getting sidetracked. Mind you it has resulted in a few cards that “just happened “ after discovering STUFF I had forgotten about. I now have a good pile of things and card that will be going to my sister soon.
    Lilian sorry to hear you are in such pain, I hope you will get some relief soon, sending caring hugs. xx
    Karen and Maria I hope you are both feeling a little better today, take care, sending caring hugs to you both. xx
    It was such a lovely sunny day today, we managed to get the washing dry outside on the line, it smells so lovely when you bring it back indoors. You notice I use the Royal WE ha ha. I just sort out the washing and load the machine, bless him John does all the pegging out etc.
    Hope your day has been good, love Brenda xxx
