
Wednesday 12 April 2023

Paintbrush Strokes card

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all had better weather than we had yesterday, it rained on and off all day , it felt chilly too.  I was intending to do some crafting but that didn't happen,  I had put some magazine for sale on fb, a lady asked if I had a embossing folder that was part of the free gift bundle, so I went in to look for this embossing folder, 2+ hours later I had paired a huge pile of magazines with the free gifts that they came with, mostly untouched !  So I have packed them all into a bag ready to photograph and put on fb destash groups.  There are a few that I have kept as the sentiments are nice or I like the stamps or die set.  
My other issue was stess yesterday,  with Mother Nature's extremely bad timing I am worried that they won't do the diagnostic checks that I am scheduled for today, I have an Ultrasound of my Urinary tract and a Cystoscopy, I am also worried about what they will find,  lets hope that it puts a stop to the horrendous symptoms!  I do feel that the supplements I've  been taking have helped though, I will write a list to take with me.  Please keep your fingers crossed for me my lovely friends XXX

I'm not sure about this card, it's another very different card, it was quick to make and would definitely work for a man, with a colour change it would work well for ladies too, I am tempted to buy a better set of paintbrush stroke stamps, with more variety of length and width of the brushstrokes, because I saw some lovely cards on Pinterest using different ones,  the set that I used for this card is a Stampin Up one called Brushed Blooms

I used Crumb cake ink for that top brushstroke and then inked half the bottom one with Night of Navy and the other half with Pumpkin Pie.  I used an Aall&Create stamp to add the little splatters. I finished the card with a sentiment stamped onto Crumb cake to match card base and 3 coordinating resin dots. 

This challenge topic like the last one has pushed me right out of my comfort zone and I enjoyed making totally different cards to my usual style.

I hope that the Sun makes an appearance today, I have promised myself that if I get through this appointment in one piece, I am going to get Paul to go into the huge Morrisons store next to the Health centre to buy a cream cake !!!
Sending my love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    Love your clean and simple card and the great colour combo 😊
    The stamp set looks great too, making it very versatile.
    I hope you managed to get some sleep last night, and that it goes well today. Just keep thinking of that cream cake πŸ˜‰ I will be thinking of you πŸ₯° xx
    Lilian, I hope your dental appointment goes well, and you’re not in too much discomfort xx
    I’ll be crafting today, have a birthday card to finish, and then I’m going to pick a card from the hundreds I have saved on Pinterest, and take inspiration from that πŸ˜…
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. morning everyone
    I have everything crossed that all goes well today SANDRA andthat the tests are not too uncomfortable. Definitely CREAM CAKES after.

    I had a positive day yesterday managing to get through to the surgery only being number13 in the line at 08.00
    I also was given an appointment for late afternoon!!
    Result was a good conversation and a new tablet added and a further date booked for a month's time. I am really hoping this will work on my 'unstable angina'.

    My jobs today is to so my Tesco order for Friday and then refill my weekly tablet box. After that coffee/coffee and more coffee.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Yesterdays and todays cards are great and perfect for both male and ladies, teenage upwards. You still have the “knack” even with these cards being a new style for you. You know I’m thinking of you my lovely. Everything is crossed 🀞 xx
    Brenda, looking back I see that I didn’t tell you how much I loved your cards on Monday. And that gift card one is so effective. I will definitely be having a go at it so thank you for sharing them with us dear friend xx
    Lilian, I hope your mouth is not too painful now it is coming back to life xx
    Haney, I’m so happy that you managed to get to talk to a GP 😁xx
    Maria, don’t try and do too much spring cleaning all at once. It takes me a long time now compared to the few days it used to!!!! Hey ho, we have to just except it don’t we xx
    Sonia, I hope you get to make some of your saved Pinterest cards. We save so many then only make a few 🀭It is so good forgiving us ideas though isn’t it. Enjoy your crafting xx
    Karen, enjoy your week off. Perfect for you to relax after a lovely busy weekend xx
    A quiet couple of days for me. My joints are not happy at the moment! I hope I’m able to get downstairs tomorrow todo some crafting. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  4. It might be outside your comfort zone It’s lovely I know your appointment didn’t go well Don’t give up hope
    Take care xx

  5. Hi everyone,
    Nice card Sandra. I am hoping that everything went well today and if they saw something that you will get some help as soon as possible. Sending you some extra hugs and hope you enjoyed a cream cake afterwards.
    Janet, with all that coffee have you been spinning around the house all day ? I did my pill box as well today and doesn't it takes time. Mine is holding them for for three weeks tho except the evening ones that are on the table in the lounge. No wonder one is rattling when walking .
    I hope dentist and doctors appointment have gone alright for you all who had some today. Take care.
    Have made a start on some cards and also made OH who's is tomorrow. Cleaned the kitchen today, the cupboards inside have to wait.
    Have a nice evening everyone and many hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Love today’s CAS card Sandra, I know that it’s out of your comfort zone but all I can say is you certainly have made a lovely card.
    Sue sorry you are in such a lot of pain, I hope after resting today your pain will have eased off and tomorrow you will be able to move around with ease. xx
    Lilian i hope you are alright after your visit to the dentist. xx
    Janet well done persevering and getting through to the doctor xx
    Sonia, like you I have saved hundreds of card from Pinterest, hope you are able to choose one suitable for the occasion. xx
    Have a good evening everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Hello, we have had terrible weather with storm Noa. Power cut this afternoon, back again now.

    Sandra so sorry about your appointment not going well.
    Your card is great, very arty.

    Hugs to all Lilian
