
Friday 14 April 2023

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

We were treated to a lovely bright sunny day yesterday,  it was chilly but lovely to see the sun.  I still can't get over seeing a van totally covered in snow yesterday it was driving along with the snow blowing off,  crazy weather day!  

I tried to have a positive mind set yesterday,  luckily Sue came over in the afternoon so I could vent my frustration to her, leaving her equally as frustrated! It is good to talk though, talking and crafting is even better, in fact the only think that could make it better is adding Cake to the mix!! Sue managed to get her hands on some of the lemon tarts with fresh raspberries on top, the base is as the shortest pastry that literally melts in your mouth.  Deliscious,  thank you Sue xxx

Our Next Challenge 

For our next Challenge I thought it might be fun to try a New Technique,  OR if you don't feel comfortable trying a new Technique just use one that you are comfortable with that you haven't tried in a while.

If you are anything like me you probably have loads of saved projects and ideas on Pinterest that you have been meaning to try but haven't found the time, it can be as simple or technical as you like.  Anything from making your first Thrinchie ( 3 inch square piece if art) or a new inking technique or a new tool,  maybe try Emboss resist etc.

I will be trying some new techniques and sharing them with you as we go through the next two weeks.  

Today's New Technique is Reverse Masking, I bought some transfer paper as I wasn't sure what to use, its the same as masking sheet or you could use a large post it note. 

I cut my piece of transfer paper to 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inch, the same size as my card front, I then die cut an oval from the centre and after die cutting took the oval and placed it on my card, I will use the outer that I took the oval from to create the opposite effect for my next card, so oval will be coloured and outside will be white.

I used Distress Oxide inks to blend over the edge of my oval mask keep the ink heavier at the edge of the mask.  When peeled away the oval mask i popped it back on carry sheet to use again, I then picked a stamp would work as a silhouette and stamp it over my oval, I then added a sentiment and mounted the piece onto a black mat and then onto a white card base.  This was a fun technique that I will definitely try again.  

I hope that you will all enjoy the challenge my lovelies x

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxxx


  1. That’s a great challenge I have a huge roll of masking paper stuff - from Stamp Addicts and never really used it
    I am so glad Sue came over You do need to get wheels in motion re complaining etc
    A relax day for me Although I really should crack on with a bit of housework
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Brenda's card yesterday are beautiful and a nice card to make as a challenge . Pretty papers used.
    Today's card is lovely and a challenge I like to try out.
    I am horrid to hear about the way you were treated when seeing the doctor or was he really one. Definitely get the strength to make a complain Sandra, do not let this go. Hugs.
    It was OH birthday yesterday so I took him for brunch in Stony Stratford. We first had a nice walk in the sun but with bitterly cold winds it was nice to get indoors to warm up. Son from Portugal sent some funny messages during the day and paid for a Chinese in the evening. The postal service here have been awful for some time now and it's one excuse after another plus the strike have not helped so no post for over a week now. Do you have the same problem ? It's raining, gardener will be here soon, I'm going to finish a card and the we have OH ex here for the weekend.
    Sending well wishes for anyone not too good and many hugs to you all, take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A great challenge and I love your card. It’s a technique which I’ll be giving a go 😊
    Glad you had a good afternoon with Sue, and the cakes sound delicious 😊
    Maria, belated Happy Birthday wishes to your OH 🥳 xx
    Brenda, hope everything went well yesterday xx
    Have a good rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello, cold wind, just been for a walk around the garden, storm Noa has done a good job, wrecking the spring flowers.

    Sandra love your card, will definitely give that a go this week. I too have a roll of masking paper somewhere that I also bought from stamp addicts.
    Managed to finish my card for this week, very similar to last weeks.
    My table looks like a storm have caused havoc, why do I make such a mess making one card?
    Hope you are all having a good day, Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely card today and definitely a technique I would love to try, and like Karen and Lilian I also have a roll of masking paper I bought from Craft Addicts a long long time ago. The good thing is I know exactly where it is!
    So pleased Sue was able to pop over yesterday, I sure it was a great tonic for both of you.
    Yesterday was ok ish. My INR is very very low so my medication has been increased to see if it helps, then I’m back at the INR Clinic on Monday.
    Maria hope OH enjoyed his birthday treat, it sounds lovely.
    Time to get a wiggle on, dinner almost sorted we are having Chicken and leek pie, made it earlier and it’s all ready to pop into the oven.
    Have a nice evening everyone.
    Hugs Brenda xxx
