
Thursday 6 April 2023

A very different Challenge card


Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

How lovely that we have a long weekend ahead of us.  We don't have any plans as such, we have a very early morning on Saturday as we have to collect Becca at 7am !! We will have home at 6am!!!  I think we have earned our top parents award this year, next weekend its Lucy's turn, this time we are going to Stansted, another  very early start too.  I wish we were the ones getting on the plane!           We  got a lovely leg of lamb for Sunday,  not something we have very often so it will be a real treat.  

Brenda you are in our thoughts today, I hope your day isn't too exhausting,  don't forget your puzzle book! 😘 

Janet, I am sorry to read that you had another Angina attack, understandable that you didn't go to K & N, I hope they can get you onto some drugs that give you confidence to be able to go out without worrying.  So frustrating that you can't get the answers you need, sending hugs xxx

Today's card is very different for me,  it does work for this weeks challenge,  it also got me using some My Minds Eye papers that I have had for years, it was a simple make, I die cut a star out of a piece of white card 1/4 inch smaller than the card base, I added a square of colourful paper behind the star and then adhered the card front to the base card, I then die cut a smaller star and stamped a sentiment onto it, I popped a foam pad on the back and placed it in the centre of the other star. 

Ladies I hope that you all have a lovely Easter weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Fabulous card today 😍 Very versatile and could be used for so many occasions.
    I think you and Paul have definitely earned your awards. I’m sure they all appreciate what you do for them 🥰
    My car is in for service and MOT today, so the perfect opportunity for me to sit and craft 😊
    Sue, I will definitely be visiting Sandra again (if she’ll have me ☺️) The journey was very straightforward and took just over an hour. I agree, it is so much better crafting with friends 😍
    Brenda, hope today goes well xx
    Maria, that’s terrible about your Dad, I hope he complained, letting him sit there for an hour is unacceptable! xx
    Lilian, hope your mojo returns soon xx
    Hope everyone is ok and have a good day 😊
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. A very different card for you and I love it Ot only good for both female and male cards but all occasions too
    I hope you’re OK Brenda Long days at hospitals are exhausting
    Janet I hope you get some answers I’d be tempted to try and make a face to face appointment and demand he gets the results for you
    Your award is in the post SANDRA
    For about the first time in history OH will be at home! Saturday I am out with daughter Sunday we are in London - shopping and a show and Monday is our wedding anniversary
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hello All
    Great card Sandra, love that patterned paper, simple but very effective.
    Brenda Hope hospital goes well, and it’s not too tiring.
    Janet hope you get some answers soon.

    I’m keeping my comments short as I don’t want my negativity to be a downer on the blog.
    Hugs to all, Lilian

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    You and Paul have definitely earned best parents award, you are always there for your family, at the drop of a hat you are where ever they want you to be. I’m sure they appreciate everything you do for them.
    Today went quite well, John bless him definitely gets best chauffeurs award, think the car could find its own way to the hospital having made the journey so many times today. This afternoon’s appointment for draining my right lung went well and I was able to come home afterwards. Should get the results in a week or so time. So really that has been my day, fortunately I tried to get everything organised earlier on this week.
    Take care everyone, hope you are planning something special for the weekend. Big Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Glad all went well Brenda. Now take it easy and I hope you feel alright. Hugs for you and John xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Nice card Sandra for any occasions really. Probably still would take me a day to think out 😊. Paul and you are gold star parents ❣️
    Brenda, hope you brought something with you so the day didn't go to slow. Take care.
    Lilian, you could never put a downer on this blog. We all have some problems of some kind or other as you know and we are good listeners. PM or talk on private blog. Hope you feeling better soon,many hugs for you.
    Janet, so hope you felt better later on today. Rest as much as possible. Hugs
    Karen, have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your anniversary and going in to London with your daughter x
    Sonia, hope your car cleared the MOT. Can be costly if they need something done can't it.🤞 Hope you have some time off over Easter 🐇
    Sue, will you have some egg hunts around your house. I'm free to help out as long I be paid in chocolate and some hot cross buns 🤭🤗.
    Been to see SIL today and we had a nice late lunch but boy the place was like an episode from Falwty Towers, we are not going back in a hurry.
    Wishing you all a good night as possible. Many hugs to you all 🤗 xx
