
Wednesday 15 March 2023

Thrinchie: Animals


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,

I hope today finds you well,  I am just about recovered from weekend, I had another busy day though, I had promised Sophie that I'd go with her to get her Wheel Alignment done on her car, those girls don't like doing anything on their own!  We then went to a car Audio place as Lucy, Paul and I bought her an upgraded sound system for her car and she needs it fitted,  it is going to cost almost £300 though,  that was a bit of a surprise,  she was happy to pay it though,  I did say I'd contribute as she wasn't sure what she wanted as a graduation gift, I was going to get her a Pandora Bracelet but she wasn't bothered about one of those.   We got home mid afternoon and I was exhausted,  we all sat and ate lunch together which rounded afternoon off nicely.  I did end up having a 'Nana Nap' afterwards though.   I am just not sleeping,  ul 4 times in total to go to loo Monday night, finally started to drift off at around 4am.  Fingers crossed for a better night tonight. 

We had 3 seasons weather in one day yesterday,  when we left it was beautiful,  very warm in sunshine, no jacket required and sunglasses necessary,  then when we were waiting at garage ut was so chilly we were shivering! Then sun was back out and it was warm, on our way back there were Hailstones the size of garden peas!!!  It was heavy enough to leave a lovely white carpet!  

Lilian...I would say that your Klimpt stamps/papers were quite quirky!  It could be anything a little but funny or different,  did you take a photo of your puzzle? xxx

Sonia how lovely that Luke & Hayley get to visit Amsterdam for a few days, its a lovely city. Paul and I did an overnight cruise there years ago but 1 day was nowhere near enough. I hope you got some crafting time i on your days off. xxx

Today's Thrinchie theme is Animal, I had an Aall&Create stamp set with mice on so thats what I chose for this one, a couple of other Thrinchies I had seen used mice too, I did find a sweet squirrel after I had finished,  maybe use that next time.  I kept the colours the same so that whole collection ties together.   I intended to do them in order Karen but I needed a couple of stamps to create a few of the early ones that I was going to get at Ally Pally so I skipped those, I've had to think a bit harder about some of them too.

Hoping to play with my new craft goodies today,

Have a relaxing day my lovely friends,

Love and hugs,

Sandra                                                                      xxxxxx 


  1. A lovely Thrinchie and it’s got a Spring coloured background
    Take those naps Your body obviously needs them
    We looked after grandson number one after school which is always great fun Then his little brother arrived and chaos reigned! Yesterday evening was our ballroom lesson - waltz and rumba I ended up giggling uncontrollably I am so not used to turning my head to the left and looking over Alan’s shoulder tilting my head back slightly In Salsa we don’t stare each other down but we do occasionally glance at each other!
    I hope to do something for the challenge today but I do have a dentist appointment this afternoon
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love that little animal on today's card SANDRA.

    Thankfully no more tests (fingers crossed). Jim returned the tape to the surgery yesterday morning so I now go to see my GP on Friday. The results from the test won't have arrived but he should have all the others.

    We have another layer of snow this morning. It's very cold though at the moment the sun is out. (funny weather system we have)

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safexxxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your Thrinchie today with the little mouse and the beautiful colour combo 😍
    Have those naps when you need them, hope you have a relaxing day today xx
    Karen, hope your dentist appointment goes okay xx
    Janet, happy to hear your tests are finished xx
    Cold and frosty here this morning after the last few mild, wet days.
    It’s Hayley’s 21st Birthday today so they’ll be celebrating in style. The hotel and their room look lovely. A jacuzzi bath and sauna in their room with a view over the river 😊
    Crafting is on the agenda again. I made a Mothers Day card the other day, which will fit in with the challenge. A resident at work has asked me to make an Anniversary card so I’ll be starting with that today
    I hope you’re all keeping well. Have a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a cute mouse it really draws your eye into the whole design of your card, it’s really lovely.
    Ready to leave for the hospital,will be leaving in about half an hour, have sorted out a packed lunch because I know it will be late afternoon/ early evening before we get home. John had prepared the vegetables for dinner so it won’t take long to make a meal on our return.
    Janet pleased to hear you are test free at last, hope your appointment on Friday goes well. Friday is usually a busy day for you anyway, just keep calm and watch that blood pressure xx
    Happy crafting Sonia. Hayley’s birthday treat sounds great. xx
    Karen I was laughing with you when you described your dancing lesson. xx
    Hope everyone has a good day, take care, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hope it’s not too long a day for you, and all goes well xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Cute thrinchie and I like all the backgrounds that you made.
    Brenda, take care. Hope the day goes well.
    Karen, hoping the dentist goes alright.
    Sonia, happy crafting today .
    I'm still coughing and no energy but you say sleep is a good medicine....
    Wishing you all have a good day. xx

  6. Hello, wet and cold again.

    Great thrichie today, love those little mice, and your backgrounds are super.
    Brenda hope your day went ok.
    Karen Hope dentist wasn’t too painful.
    Janet I’m sure you are pleased your test are finished, let’s hope you get some answers.

    Sandra hope you are feeling better and rested from your busy weekend.
    Hugs to all, Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra CD and all looking in today.
    I missed yesterday, thought id been in but obviously hadn’t so want to say that I loved that quirky Thrinchie and todays mouse is great fun. I don’t think I have any stamps that would work but they are all in such a muddle. As I told you on Sunday Sandra I need to get rid of the old freebies that are so soft and squishy that you can’t get a decent image from them then put the others into some sort of order. Does any one have any useful tips? Do I put them into groups of flowers, butterflies etc. Or keep them in the sets they came in? I will definitely take photos of each set so even if I split them up then I will know which go together. The plan is to laminate reasonably stiff A4 card for the stamps to be stored on and I will make indexes too. They will be kept in some plastic zipped pockets that are a bit bigger than A4.
    Any way I hope you are feeling a bit better today and that you get some sleep tonight.
    Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx
