
Wednesday 1 March 2023

Spring Thrinchie


Good Morning Ladies, 

And just like that it's March!!! I love this month, full of exciting new beginnings in the garden and in nature.  The garden is springing into life, you can see buds appearing on the trees, the bulbs are well through the ground, we have beautiful Snowdrops and tiny little Cyclamen, so delicate, the birds are all busy getting ready to build their nests, so much to sit and watch. 😍   Do you ladies have a favourite month?  March was also the month I met Paul,  which makes it an extra special Month.  

Today's Thrinchie just so happens 'Spring' themed, it was a total coincidence! 

I used a Tulip as my main focus, which I coloured with my Ecoline pens.  I was torn between daffodils and tulips to be honest,  but tulips come in more colours, so thats what I chose.  The background was the piece of card I used to clean off my brayer when I was creating my pile of backgrounds on the Gelli plate, which is a bonus as its basically using waste. I added the little bird as another nod to Spring, I tried to keep the colours lighter too.  I quite like how this onr turned out. 

We were supposed to be having our hair cut today but Lucy's car needed some unexpected repairs,  so we had to cancel.  So crafting for me today!! 

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Another lovely Thrinchie 😍 The background is beautiful, you’d never think it was from a clean up 😊
    The months are starting to whizz by now, I love the Spring too. My favourite month used to be December with the excitement of Christmas, but now with the boys being older, it’s not quite the same! Hopefully the ‘magic’ will come back this year as we’ll have a Grandson to buy for too ☺️
    I hope Lucy’s car repairs aren’t too drastic, and she’s back on the road again soon.
    Maria, have a lovely break away - enjoy 😊
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. I love this Thrinchie If I had a favourite month I suppose I’d choose April because Spring is in full mode and the temperatures are slightly warmer and when I got married Both grandkids were born in April too
    I’m off to visit my dad in hospital later So a 2+hour train ride there and back I will take some crochet to do - so still crafting🤣
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Another great Thrinchie, I like tulips and it means that spring is on it's way with daffodils etc out around. March is a nice month but my favourite is April/May when it is warmer and better weather.
    Hoping Lucy's car is alright.
    Karen, hope the visit to your dad be ok. Good you got the crocheting to do on the journey.
    Brenda, you are being famous speaking to the year two student doctors. Hope you are alright.
    Thanks ladies, not going until tomorrow afternoon so have time to get a card together for OH and hopefully a CC.
    Have a nice day everyone. Warm hugs are being sent to you all and extras for anyone who need some xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What an inspiring card today it really does scream spring, I really love it.
    What a shame Lucy’s car has problems, hope it gets sorted out soon, we tend to take our cars for granted but when they go wrong it’s a dreadful situation. Then you can both get your hair cut. John and I are going to my hairdresser friend tomorrow for a trim. I still haven’t got all of my hair back but am using a root treatment which seems to be helping, what I have still needs looking after and trimming and hopefully will regrow.
    Karen hope your dad was well enough to enjoy your visit, you must be exhausted after all that traveling. Sleep well xx
    Maria enjoy your break and get plenty of rest. xx
    Sonia are you shopping for baby items yet? It’s so exciting planning for a new arrival xx
    Sleep well everyone, hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hello, sorry late again, the day seems to have flown by.
    Sandra love your card, love that tulip stamp, must get going on mine tomorrow.
    Karen hope visit to your Dad goes well.
    Maria enjoy your break.
    My favourite months are April/ May, because it’s warmer to go outside to do a bit of potting up.
    Goodnight all, Lilian
