
Friday 31 March 2023

Its new Challenge day...


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you well, can you believe its the last day of March today?!  Another month has flown by so fast,  it barely seems a couple weeks since we were welcoming March in!  From here on in the garden gets more and more beautiful as everything starts to wake up.  I do think that the April showers have started early though! 

Our Next Challenge 

I had to make a Masuline card yesterday and I really struggled,  it was trying to choose which style to go with,  Lucy had asked me to make a card for Flynn's mum's partners 60th Birthday, No pressure!!  I did eventually finish a card for him at after 10pm!!  The funny thing was Sue had to make a 60th Birthday card for Chris too, we found a design that she liked too. 

With all that in mind I think we could all do with some practice!!  I am not going to say specifically 'Masculine ' cards,  I am going to suggest that we make cards that  would 'Work' for men too.

I am looking forward to this challenge.

I hope that you all have a fantastic Friday,

Love & hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Great challenge and I’m loving the idea that it can be “suitable for a man”
    Going to Chelsea to watch the ladies playlast night was lovely A really nice crowd Sad thing was it went to extra time and penalties and we has to miss it because from the train we wanted to get had been cancelled and it was replacement buses OH didn’t want us to get stranded
    Out dancing tonight and this afternoon I must start decorating grandson number 2’s birthday cake I cannot believe he’s coming up for three
    Take care everyone

  2. Hello, just back from the dentist, after four fillings and a bill of £504 I’m feeling shattered.
    Great challenge for next week, will have a browse on Pinterest to see some ideas.
    Going to finish this weeks card, and a bit of ironing, and that will probably be my lot.
    Hope you all have a good day, keep safe in this terrible wind, it’s blowing my blossom trees to bits. Hugs to all, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    A great challenge and some lovely inspiration 😊
    Very wet and windy here again today! Fed up with this awful weather now 😩 I don’t envy Mark and the band, they’re driving across to Belgium early hours of tomorrow morning, with a ferry crossing. I bet it’ll be rough - Marks got some travel sickness pills just in case 😬🤭
    Lilian, hope you’re not in too much pain after the fillings xx
    Brenda, hope you’re ok, sorry to hear you need to go in to hospital again next weekend xx
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lots of lovely inspiration for the next challenge, thank you for all the efforts you put into stimulating us Sandra, I for one really appreciate it, I’m sure the other ladies also do. xx
    What a miserable wet day it has been, it has been raining on and off all day at one point the rain was so heavy it looked like fog outside. Our tortoise has been awake for about a week now and she was confused today with the weather changes.
    Sonia hope Mark crossing is not to rough, it’s the last thing he needs before a gig.
    Lilian hope you are alright after your visit to the dentist and the fillings have settled down, take care. xx
    Karen sorry you had to miss the end of the match last night. Let’s hope that the transport situation settles down soon, it’s causing so much disruption to people’s lives. xx
    Hope everyone has had a good day, take care and sleep well. Love Brenda xxx
