
Friday 3 March 2023

It's New Challenge Day


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Another week that has whizzed by, I kept thinking that yesterday was Wednesday,  it felt like it couldn't possibly be Thursday already!   

Janet I hope that all of your 24hr tests go smoothly,  you will be in my thoughts, these things can be so mentally draining as well as physically,  because the whole time you are wondering about the outcome, hopefully you can read a book or manage a little bit of crafting if you are able to have the tests while being at home.  XXX 

Our Next Challenge 

I thought that with it being the start of March and the garden is showing signs of new life it would be nice to have our next Challenge as Spring themed, you can interpret this however you please, you can just use the Spring theme for the colours, you can feature flowers or wildlife.  You can make cards, journal pages, Thrinchies,  Atc's absolutely anything you like. 

I have shared some bits above to give you some ideas Inspiration for this Challenge, I hope it helps, I love some of those colour combinations. 

I hope you enjoy the challenge my lovelies xxx


I hope that you all have a lovely Friday, 

Love and hugs to all of you 

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Great idea for a challenge I cannot wait for the warmer weather This cold is so depressing
    We didn’t go dancing last night Our daughter fell down the stairs She ended up going to A&E because she couldn’t breathe So we were on Oscar duty She’s OK Extremely sore but at least her breathing is OK
    I’m out to lunch today with some ladies from Salsa It should be a great to have a catchup
    Enjoy your break MARIA
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A great challenge. I love those colour combos, and beautiful inspiring cards 😊
    Oh Karen, sorry to hear about your daughter, glad she’s ok. I hope you enjoyed your lunch out xx
    It’s definitely turning colder. They’re forecasting snow next week 😯❄️ I think we’ll have to wait a little longer for Spring to arrive.
    Hope you’re all having a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi, it’s so cold, our heating doesn’t seem to be working properly. I really feel the cold.

    Love this weeks challenge, spring colours are some of my favourites.
    Manage to finish my two cards for this week, first for me, a bit plain and simple, but that’s me.
    Hope your daughter will be OK Karen, sounds a nasty fall.
    Goodnight all ,Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in tonight.
    What a lovely challenge you have chosen for us. Spring can’t come along properly quickly enough for me both for the beautiful flowers which are some of my most favourite, and all of those different greens of the leaves and grasses. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with. I hope you have a good weekend my lovely xx
    Karen, glad to hear your daughter is ok, what a fright for you all. I hope she isn’t in too much pain while she recovers xx
    Maria, I hope you are having a good break xx
    Lilian, sorry you are suffering with the cold so much. It does get really cold late afternoon here after quite warm mornings xx
    Janet, I’m hoping the tests don’t interfere too much with your day to day life. It will be worth it I hope xx
    Sonia, I’m sure you have to wrap up warm in the mornings while walking Bernie. One of the few negatives with having a dog xx
    Brenda, how are you doing. You are always in my thoughts xx
    I’m crafting tomorrow to finish my challenge cards. Then I need a couple of birthday cards for the week after next so I hope I can use the spring challenge for those. Sleep well everyone. Take care xx
