
Thursday 9 March 2023

Heartfelt Thrinchie


Good Morning Ladies,  

How is it Thursday already?!!  This week has flown, mind you I lost half a day yesterday after another rough night, I must have nodded off at around 6am, so Paul didn't want to wake me, I woke around 10am I think as girls were excited about having a 'snow day' !! That wildlife park closes for the slightest weather change, I guess animals wouldn't be out as much in such cold weather, I think the main concern is Health & Safety' with slippy paths etc.  The snow that had laid had melted by late morning, by late afternoon the cars had a good covering and snow had carpeted the grass again. I had pain around my kidneys so started the antibiotics as I don't want that flaring up again. The GP mentioned Interstitial cystitis, which definitely fits the symptoms,  it is something they will look at at my urology appointment.  

Janet I thought of you this morning and how good that first cup of coffee tasted, the chocolate too, lets hope the results bring you some answers xxx

Today's Thrinchie theme is 'Heartfelt' so I decided to go with hearts, I used one of my original backgrounds, stamped over it with Aall&Create Heart Grunge stamp, I stamped again onto a piece of watercolour card and coloured the hearts with Fuschia & Magenta Ecoline pens, fussy cut them and decoupaged over original hearts, I them added some hearts down the sides to tie in with theme, I stamped and fussy cut the word 'Love' and added that too, a few splatters  (some a bit larger than i anticipated) but I wasn’t going to start again, so it's staying with large splatters! 

I hope that you all have a great Thursday,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi everyone
    Your Thrinchie is beautiful 😍 I love everything about it - even the big splatters ☺️
    Fingers crossed the antibiotics keep you pain free, roll on your urology appointment xx
    Our snow turned to rain, and it hasn’t stopped! All traces of any snow have melted away now.
    Having my hair cut this morning, then doing a late shift today.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Another lovely card SANDRA though for me the colours are a little on the bright side.

    Well we have a really good layer of the white stuff and it looks as though we might get some more today. At least we haven't anywhere to go today so it's a indoors day.
    I have to say coffe never tasted as good as it did yesterday. I now have the rest of the week and weekend free before my next 24hr test.
    Have a good day everyone. Take great care if having to go out. HUGS are on their way to you all. Stay safe xxxx
    I don't know what's happened but I cannot log on via Google so I'm 'anonymous.

  3. Your Thrinchie is wonderful I love it I am so pleased you are enjoying doing them They’re great to experiment with and a lovely reference tool too If anyone wants a set of the tags let me know and I will send some
    The snow has disappeared and like Sonia it’s raining It’s so grey and dismal I cannot craft So a bit of crochet it will be
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Morning everyone.
    Beautiful Thrinchie. I even like the spatters, small or big.
    Hoping you are not in too much pain and the meds. are helping.
    Wishing you all a good day as possible whatever you are doing today.
    I am feeling really rough with sore throat and body ache so sadly Sue and Sandra I have decided I am not coming to Ally Pally on Saturday and
    I was so looking forward 😭.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely card today, the colours you have used for the hearts works really well with the background. xx
    Hope you are feeling a little better today and the antibiotics are starting to give you some relief xx
    Tried to get on and do some housework today, but by early afternoon I had to admit I had had enough so sat and relaxed. (That’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it!)
    Hope your day has been good. Take care, Hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hello All, another very wet and cold day again.

    Sandra love your card, I had a go but I think I haven’t got the right end of the stick somehow.
    Still working on my spring card, think I’ve worked out what I’m going to do.

    Goodnight all, sorry Maria you’re not feeling well. Lilian
